PM Sunday Morning Radio Interview

bibi3.jpgPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday morning granted a joint interview to Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) and Israel’s Reshet Bet Radio, speaking simultaneously with Razi Barkai and Yaron Dekel.

News Regarding Shalit Prisoner Release Deal:

I think you both are well aware that as head of the opposition and today, as prime minister, I do not address the Gilad Shalit minister in the media. Such a move does not contribute to expediting his return home. We remain committed to returning him home healthy and as soon as possible.

Building Freeze:

Israel has not yet committed to any construction freeze as reported. We are working towards a renewed diplomatic process in the region involving the United States.

War Against Violence in Israel:

Many are critical, stating the laws of the nation are not enforced.

The situation is intolerable, when citizens go for a walk on the beach and are murdered, or the elderly attacked, and students attacked in schools or attacked and murdered in pubs. As prime minister, I am unwilling to accept the current realities and much can and will be done to lower violence nationwide.

We will push ahead with a “zero tolerance” policy regarding verbal and physical violence. As prime minister, I am also unwilling to accept any terror. Any attack will be met with an immediate retaliatory attack. The same policy must be implemented regarding violence, which is a type of ‘internal terror’.

We must increase punishment against law-breakers. Our judicial system is among the best in the world but laws increasing punishment for violators must be passed in the winter session of Knesset. The murderers and thugs must know the price paid for breaking the law will be extremely high.

Those convicted must serve jail time and the revolving door policy must end. The criminals must be pulled out of society.

We must increase police presence by establishing urban police patrols, local forces to address and respond to local problems. On Monday, I will be meeting with the public security and finance ministers along with other professionals to move these plans ahead – not just to speak about them, but to make progress towards addressing the problems at hand.

In addition to adding police, we must also maximize the existing manpower and get more uniforms out into the streets.

A program is being implemented in the nation’s schools to educate the young against violence in any form. Education is the key. We are aware Education Minister Saar has made this his priority.

Laws are also being implemented to add restrictions regarding the sale of alcohol, including prohibiting the sale of alcohol past a certain hour at night. This would not be all-inclusive and sales would be permitted at night in certain areas under certain conditions. The sale of alcohol will also be prohibited in certain stores, like in gas stations, where alcoholic beverages are readily accessible to all. There is no place alcohol in gas stations as we are waging a war on road deaths and seek to lower the blood alcohol levels of drivers. The government stands firmly behind the police force in all areas, including the war against alcohol abuse.

The prime minister was firm in his commitment to combat violence in our society, in schools and alcohol abuse among the nation’s young.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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