Court: Meah Shearim Mom May Pose a Danger to Her Children

ywnisrael11.jpgJerusalem District Court Justice Moshe Ravid ruled on Wednesday that the Meah Shearim mom may indeed pose a threat to her other children based on the evidence presented to the court.

The court’s ruling was in response to a petition from prosecutor Mayan Oren-Rimon, who is requesting a change in the mother’s house arrest situation, seeking to distance her from her home and the other children. The alleged victim in the case, “C”, is not living at home but with his uncle, the mother’s brother’s family, in Beit Shemesh.

The state presented the court with evidence alleging the mother also abused a younger child, as well as causing an unnecessary surgical procedure on her 6-year-old daughter. The state told the court the only reason there is no criminal indictment pertaining to the allegations against other children is due to the family’s unwillingness to cooperate and permit the other children to be interviewed.

The court added that statements presented by professionals from Hadassah Hospital support the state’s allegations against the mother.

Defense attorneys David Halevy and Reuven Bar-Chaim told the court the evidence in hand supports claims by the defendant that she is innocent of the charges leveled against her.

The daily Yisrael HaYom quotes “officials in the Eida Chareidis” as saying if the mother is jailed again, “Jerusalem will be set ablaze like never seen before”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

22 Responses

  1. It seems to me that “setting Jerusalem ablaze” would really work against the mother, by demonstrating that “her kind” approve of using violent behavior.

  2. What kind of a court is this and what kind of a judge is this who gives judgment upon hearing only one side of the case? Is this what a Kangaroo court is all about or is this what a Sodom court is all about?

  3. Can I just ask a question…are these ‘Eida Chareidis’ people really frum jews?? To quote their threat: ‘Jerusalem will be set ablaze like never seen before’…I’m in disbelief. All of the roits, the Chillul Hashem…done in the name of this mother who abused her children? Who didn’t want to see her child because a social worker would have to be present?
    What has this world come to???

  4. If that is the case. Then I think that this hechsher should not be used at all. Ppl who approve of such violence have no yirai shamayim for kashrus. I really hope that it’s not true b/c it’s horrible to say that you will light the holiest city on the earth on fire for just one woman.

  5. It isn’t Eida Chareidis’s style to consdier terrorism. If we were into using violence, we could be good zionists and live in affluence.

    If the Israelis were interested in a fair trial they would try to get a forum that is not known for its bias against Chareidim – or would have called for non-zionist doctors to provide an examination, preferably outside of Eretz Yisrael.

    Note that Israel never adopted the concept of “trial by ones’ peers” when they copied much British law (the Brits never allowed juries in the Empire, such concepts were not for export).
    For an American to understand the case, the analogy would be a southern court under “Jim Crow” trying a a black from a family known to be opponents of segregation – ask what sort of trial would would have seen in Mississipi in 1930?

  6. For those who still have any doubts at the corruption and lawlessness in Israel’s courtroom and their corrupt judges, here is the latest directly from the “High” Court – all in the name of “Democracy” 08/27/09:

    A 2-1 decision in the High Court allows slander in the courtroom, former Globes and Haaretz editor Mati Golan reported in Globes. Golan, a widely respected journalist, said that the judges mean “the courtroom is territory above the law, like the Wild West.”

    The case involved two lawyers, one of whom said in court that the other was about to be indicted and be suspended as an attorney. The story was a lie, and the offended lawyer sued for libel. Justice Eliezer Dantziger and Eliezer Rivlin ruled that since the libel was stated in a courtroom, it was not subject to the laws against slander.

    Golan noted that the meaning of the ruling is that “if you want to slander someone without paying the price, you can deceive and lie as much as you want so long as it is in the courtroom.” Words of slander in a public place “usually tend to grow wings,” Golan added. “Media can publicize it all because it was said in a courtroom, and people react to it on the assumption that ‘there is no smoke without fire’ and the damage is done.”

    Justice Elaykim Rubenstein, who wears a kippa, dissented from justices Rivlin and Dantziger. ”Can someone defame to become a scoundrel with the permission of the Torah?” he asked in his dissenting opinion.

    Golan, who is fiercely secular, added that judges consider their rulings to be sacred and now have allowed libel “with the permission of secular law.” He added that judges like to consider themselves as “sitting among the people,” and that if this is so, the ruling allowing libel in the courtroom means “they are sitting among people of braggarts.”

    He said that if the judges really were among the people, they would realize that the escalating violence in society also has a verbal aspect.

  7. Some of you perhaps-well-meaning but naive commenters sound like Sir Moses Montefiore in Russia. He tried to reason with Czar Nikolai (of Cantonist and pale-of-settlement infamy) and his corrupt ministers and believed their outright lies about things being nice and dandy for Jews in Russia. When he left, one of the more experienced Jewish leaders said, “If we’d have taken the total costs of the good sir’s visit and used it to bribe the local officials, we’d have gained much, much more.”

    Czarist Russia was not Victorian England and Israel is not USA. Akuperma’s analogy of Jim Crow America is quite apt. We tried being nice in Mr. Valles’ case; now this innocent blood-libel victim, whose child died of hospital negligence, is rotting in jail. Violence is the only language these reshaim understand. If the chareidim were (ch”v) as violent as the Palestinian murderers, they’d have had their own state by now.

  8. “The daily Yisrael HaYom quotes “officials in the Eida Chareidis” as saying if the mother is jailed again, “Jerusalem will be set ablaze like never seen before”.”

    This leaves me ashamed, bewildered and disgusted.

    What Torah do these hooligans follow? My Torah cares for the innocent children and respects law and order. What in heavens name has happened to segments of the community that allows such an outrage to occur?

    We should be so much more outraged about this than we are about the length of the skirts worn by women at this or that shul – or by the color of a Yid’s yarmulka.

    And some of us think Moshiach is coming soon!

  9. The “eidah” needs to learn that Yerushalyim belongs to all Am Israel, they are not the so called Guardians (neturei) of the city, they are becoming more like the destroyers of the city.

  10. In a country where the courts, the police, and the prosecutors are an integeal part of the anti-Hareidi political system, there is no recourse other than demonstrations to obtain even a modicaum of fair treatment and justice.

    One of the greatest experts on constitutional law in the U.S., Jusdge Robert Bork, who was nominated to head the U.s. Supreme Court by President Ronald Reagan, has written that the Israeli Supreme Court is the most arbitrary and politcal court in the entire world.

  11. Chevra, Please,Please STOP feeling free to condemn parts of klal yisroel in a public forum.

    Please don’t be naive and believe that everything posted or quoted on YWN is automatically accurate or the full story!(Nothing against YWN)

    Please think and research carefully before deciding in your mind if you have enough information and are qualified to judge others !

    Please make sure you understand very,very well the dynamics and history here in Israel.(even if you live here.)

    Please think again before putting your thoughts in writing anywhere and think again CAREFULLY before posting them publicly on the web.Please remember YWN is open worldwide so you can do irreversible damage on a worldwide scale very easily.

    Please think again,very carefully, before daring to criticize a single Talmid Chochom and then think again before daring to do it publicly (although anonymously).And then think again before you attack a group of Rabbonim,chas veshalom.(ch”v goes on the whole paragraph!)

    See Rashi Breishis 40:1, think deeply.

    There is a story of a Godol who refused to advise on events of a different country,not being there himself.(Please supply details if anyone remembers them).

    How wise we would be to keep quiet.

    See also Avos 2:15 with reference to Talmidei Chachomim.

    In less than a months time, the din will include comments made here.

    Think again before you click submit.

  12. I’m pretty sure that “Jerusalem will be set ablaze like never seen before” were the famous last words of people such as Antiochus and Nevuchadnezzer.

    All of Klal Yisrael’s enemies from within and without eventually disappear.

  13. Deepthinker could you tell me the source of that quote
    We have to copy it and put all over the world for everyone to see

  14. So the Eida Chareidis threatens to burn Jerusalem eh? The Romans did that too. Halacha b’yadu shEisav soneh lYaacov. Eisav is Edom, Rome. Thus the Eida is modern day Rome.

  15. Let it be known that in the USA they let abusers go scott free if they put on a good face!! Then they have the NERVE to make the abused out to be the bad ones.
    Enough of this garbage about the”zionists”..
    It’s not so far fetched that this woman could actually be abusive..
    Protests do not have to be violent. They can be peaceful.
    Like, instead of being violent about the parking lot.. make the kabalos shabbos minyan by the parking lot.

  16. I’m sorry to have to right the following. I am no better than others, but this really needs to be said, even if others may mock & attack it as being ignorant, foolish, and naive. Some will call me an the greatest insult of all, an “American Harry”, but the fact is I’ve been around quite some time and in a lot of different places and I’ve spent a great deal of time in Israel, and the words I’m about to write are still completely true.

    Why do people who have such little factual information, who have no personal knowledge of any of the facts, before the trial is heard and the evidence is put forward; why are they rushing to judgement, throwing around accusations of the worst form, at other Jews, religious or not. This is the same court that to date allowed the mother to return to home, that previously rejected the prosecution’s request to bar her from the home, but now after new evidence has been presented, has agreed that for the temporary safety of the children, she be removed from the home, until the case is concluded or new evidence is presented. Her attorney’s have been present in the courtroom representing her and fighting on her behalf in each session of the court. Her attorneys have NOT accused the court as being unfair or one-sided.

    Why must the “Sonei Yisroel” continue to be a contentious, argumentative people (as described by Moshe Rabbeinu) with sinas chinam as their main driving force??? Has this galus not been painful enough? Have all of out tzaros not been enough? There is a very real threat of a nuclear bomb hanging over our heads and we still continue in our ways. Were not 6 million holy Jews slaughtered just 60 years ago, despite the fact that they were elderly, adults, children, infants, Rabbanim, Rebbes, chareidem, chassidim, misnagdim, Yeshivish, or chardal? Do we really think that the “Sonei Yisroel” are invincible, that our machlokes with each other cannot harm us personally?

    Learn patience, tolerance and understanding. Learn to wait. Learn to judge favorably. Learn to find the best in others, not the worst. Learn to talk and reason, not threaten and burn. Stop this baseless litany of accusations and counter accusations and let the process follow its due course. There is always time to do all of the above AFTER all sides have been heard and all evidence presented. That’s how we would want it for ourselves, should we not offer the same to others? Remember the dictum of Hillel and Rebbe Akiva with respect to the core theme of our Holy Torah.

  17. Listen to yourselves yell and scream!!
    -What part of halacha does it say that burning cities anywhere is permitted?
    -Why is it an accepted practice?
    -this is a secular govt and we just have to realize that! Would we do that in America?
    -Not everything is meant as “anti-chareidi”!
    -They need to protect children that they feel are in danger!

  18. First I would like to commemnt on number 3. and 9. This “Yisrael” Hayom” is a Zionist paper, how can you speak against the Eidah based on what this paper writes.
    Second number 20. “….would we do that in America?” It is forbidden to have The State of “Israel”. They have no right to tell the frum Yidden living in the Holy Land what to do. In America we have dina d’malchusa dina and would be forbidden to do that.

  19. Its says very clearly “do not sit idly by, while your brother’s blood is being shed”. (or sister as in this matter).

    This woman is being killed and blood spilled by the publicity to these allegations made against her. If fellow yidden are going to protest, than they should.
    Many times evil ones can and do harbour within Klal Israel, settling jobs in higher ranking positions of authority, whether its social, or kashrus, such as these so called social workers who made up this case.

    “Child Protective Service Institutions” are there to justify their jobs. If there are no cases they have to shut their doors. Often they will make up problems. And when there are real cases but they make a bad move or a “faux pas” and the good parents call them on it, warning them that there are laws they must operate otherwise they, the child protection services are going to have ones their head on the chopping board ..IT IS OFTEN THEN that they come up with these vicious, malicious allegations.In order to silence the voice of protest and the pursuer of justice.

    That is what happened here. Social Services initially made a little boo-boo. And thought they’d silence the lady once and for all.

    How can they claim the mother is guilty of a surgery performed on the child??? Excuse me, what mother calls the shots in an O.R?

    Lastly, put yourself in the position of this outraged, emotionally beaten down mother. She has been put on trial for things she did not do. And further to that, treated like an animal, a child abuser, a criminal, has had her rights as a parent restricted, had false allegations thrown at her, tainting her good reputation publicly before the world. These liars/ social workers who will sell their own mother for a few dollars are protecting their own career by putting these allegations on the mother.

  20. To #21 where in the Torah says that it is forbidden to have the State of Israel? if you are talking about the 3 oaths, that theory has been debunk long time ago, there hundreds of books out there, I recommend you “Im habanin smechah” to start with. You remind me of the Jews that lived in Babel that refused to leave the comfort of the galut in order to return to Eretz Israel during the Time of Ezra haSofer. Today is the same thing, history repeate it self again!!!!

  21. # 14 – Shagrab – You cry out against those of us who dare “condemn parts of klal yisroel in a public forum”.

    Wake up man – the Eida Chareidis are doing a pretty good job of trashing themselves in front of the whole world, and in the process are creating a horrible chillul Hashem – and you have an issue with the critics of the Eida Chareidis!?

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