PA’s Top Islamic Judge – Jews Have no Claim to Jerusalem

kosel.jpgAccording to Sheikh Taysir Rajab Taminmi, there is no historical proof to the Jewish claim to Jerusalem or that the Temples ever existed as the Jewish People claim.

Responding to statements released this week by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that Jerusalem has belonged to Am Yisrael for 3,000 years and this is undisputed, Taminmi stated that Israeli archeologists have stated there is no evidence the Temple ever existed.

Calling the prime minister’s statement “baseless”, the senior cleric added that the post June 1967 excavations on Har HaBayis have proven there never was a Temple, calling all rabbis “liars” for claiming otherwise.

The senior Islamic official went on to explain that Israel expropriates Arab lands, expels Arab residents, uses its weapons to create facts on the ground and this is how it is building Jerusalem as a Jewish city.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. Ya gotta wonder, even from a secular point of view, in view of the overwhelming, OBVIOUS, visible evidence of the Bais HaMikdash, doesn’t this guy realize what an imbecile he sounds like? Wouldn’t/shouldn’t even moslems be embarrassed by such nonsensical statements?!? I guess if one is, by his teva, a PEREH adam, than logic and common sense go down the drain!

  2. The Arch of Titus, visible today in downtown Rome, shows Titus’ soldiers carrying the huge Menorah and other keilim of the Beis haMikdash out of Jerusalem.

    Titus was certainly not a Jew lying about Jerusalem…

  3. A better question, is why this item is even here on this website which chooses the items it posts. Who cares what some lunatic says? Why give him even one second of thought?

  4. The world is upside down. Where are the xstians and the xatholics here asking this ferd where he gets off saying that of their religion. If there was no Bais HaMikdosh, then all the buba maysos of the NT are not true either!

  5. and that happens when you let dogs loose and you close your eyes to what ever they do. it serves us rigth. just let us make peace with them they are good people. they are like us jews same family now they will tell you that your house belongs to them

  6. Their own Kur’an has verses about G-d taking us out of Egypt to Eretz Yisrael.

    He’s the not the first Muslim to allow subjective wishes to mentally override objective reality. The former PLO/PA leader, immersed in toeva and murder, also claimed Har HaBayis is not the temple mount.

    But no mistake: the Muslims would not have built not one but two mosques on the site had not the Jewish temples existed there earlier.

  7. I can’t wait for Moshiach to come and make those fools pay for their sheker and show them who really is the Boss, Hakodosh Baruch Hu!! This is what I want most in the world!! Only for your sake Hashem, please reveal your glory to these fools!!

  8. We should argue back that the palestinians are Martians that came and invaded the land therefore having no claim to any land. Because if they were really people they wouldn’t have targeted children in their attacks over the years. This clearly indicates that they are Martians.

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