The Meah Shearim mother was hoping to meet with her son “C”, the 3-year-old child who she is accused of abusing. The meeting however did not take place at the state social workers insisted they be present at such an event, compelling officials to cancel the meeting at the Jerusalem courthouse.
The mother refused to permit the social worker to attend the reunion with “C”, resulting in the cancelation of the meeting. According to one report, appearing in Yediot Achronot, a relative of the mom threatened to harm the social worker in response. There was a ruckus for a few minutes.
The social worker filed a complaint with police following the threat.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
18 Responses
This is unbelievable…I still cannot believe fellow Jews act like this!
It gets worse . . .
Those who really care to see what Hadassah Hospital is all about, read the 2nd edition of Alilat Dam (Blood Libel) 5769/2009. Your hair will stand on end when you’ll clearly see who is the guilty one that starved the child.
Why are you so certain that these people are Jews? Some of Israel’s most prominent public figures have been Goyim. Just to name a few. The long term mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kolek; Former Chief of Staff Raphuel, Former Prime Minister Sharon; and many others. Around 500,000 Russian, Ukrainian and other Goyim were recently brought into Israel to bolster the political control of the unJews. They have been pushed into important position in the Army, Police and Social Services. So again, why are you so certain that these people are Jews?
Indeed we can see the changes from generation to generation.
In the times of our ancestors a mother would have rather never seen her child again in order to assure he would not be cut in two. Today, a mother would rather not see her child then have one other person in the room during the visit.
In the time of our ancestors, it was the evil ones threatening the righteous. Now it is the righteous who threaten to beat up the a social worker for doing his or her job.
i am unclear – how is it that everyone knows for certain the mother is innocent? What are your sources? Having a social worker present during a meeting of a mother who is accused of abusing a child and that child seems like fairly standard practice. If she is acquited, she is acquited. But for now, she has been indicted and needs to work within the system.
I, too, cannot believe that fellow Jews act like this.
Imagine: A mother refusing to meet with her own child because she did not want the social worker to be present!
Imagine: A Yid attacking and threatening another Yid, just because she is a social worker who is trying to do her job of protecting a three-year-old!
My hair is standing on end just reading about such things!
Aside from the cruelty, what a Chilul Hashem!
I agree with comment #4.
I cannot believe that these people are really Jews.
A Jewish Mamma would do anything she could in order to see her child and a Jewish “relative” would understand why a three-year-old needs to be protected by the presence of a social worker in a case like this, given the seriousness of the allegations and the terrible trauma the child has already endured!
No, these cannot be Jews. They must be imposters, dressed like charedim.
Supervised visitation is standard in these cases. That this mother refused it, is very telling indeed.
First of all, its not a question of how can Jews treat Jews like this. These are NOT Jews. These are Erev Rav. Its written very clearly that these evils ones came out with us from Mitzrayim. We’re stuck with them until Moshiach. Just evil ones who harbour within Klal Israel, settling jobs in higher ranking positions of authority, whether its social, or kashrus, and wherever.
Secondly its a fact that these “Child Protective Service Institutions” are there to justify and keep their jobs. If there are no cases they’ll have to shut their doors so they will make them up. And when there are cases but they make false bad moves on the family and the good parents call them on it, telling them there are laws they must operate under the Ministry of Child Protection Services. Otherwise they the child protection services are going to be the ones with their head on the chopping board ..IT IS OFTEN THEN that they come up with these vicious, malicious allegations.
And that is exactly what happened here. They made a little boo-boo in the case. And thought they’d silence the lady once and for all.My friends’ husband heard the inside news from the Chareidi side of it, and this story the Zionists have conjured up is just not true. Frankly, there is something funny about this case. Such as they claim the mother is guilty of insisting the child have a surgery performed, which resulted in the doctor doing it??? Erroneously? Excuse me, what a load of rubbish.
What mother gets to call the shots in the operating room?
Lastly, put yourself in the position of this outraged, emotionally beaten down mother. She has been put on trial for things she did not do. And further to that, treated like an animal, a child abuser, a criminal, has had her rights as a parent restricted, had false allegations thrown at her, tainting her good reputation publicly before the world and this dog of a social worker who will sell her own mother for a few dollars is offering the mother a short visit with the child UNDER HER SUPERVISION which means she is liable to write up more false observations after the meeting! In her next False report on how the visit went. The mother was not acting on emotions. She was thinking about the legal ramifications in the long run.
If anyone is interested. See what the Child Protection Services have done to a family in Montreal. Very similar story. Complete destruction of the kids and abdication of their professional responsiblities. Because the father was going to expose their mistake.
All you know-it-alls: the mother is given guidance every step of the way by experienced askanim who know these reshaim and how to deal with them. Think you know better? Go live in Israel for a while.
#6, there is a chiyuv to be dan likav z’chus. Just like we keep kashrus and shabbos, we assume this mother is innocent.
#7- very true!
#9- just to add to your point, that legally if one party is guilty of criminal actions, abuse, threatening someone to a large extreme,ect, they are almost required to force monitored visitation. Even if the person is innocent but is under investigation and has not been found guilty as of yet, it is standard and might be required legally depending on where you live.
Don’t you realize… This is a set up. The Social Worker is coming not to keep the peace but to cut every word & movement of the mother to pieces! Yenta has already been “sentenced” now they’re looking to build their case. They will twist every word she says & even change what she says…..& swear under oath that she tried to say or do “whatever” to build their case!!! Have any of you ever experienced the dark side of the government & court system in “Secular Israel” that has no “Yiraas Elokim”? Remember why Avrohom Avinu said that Sora was his sister? RAK KI AIN YIRAAS ELOKIM BAMOKOM HAZEH!!!! That’s why we beg H-Shem to bring us back the Bais Hamikdosh & Malchus Bais Dovid Bimhaira BeYomainu Amen!!!!
Is there no end to the fabrications?
I’m shocked at how many people were once again caught in the net of the Satan, the Left media, whose only purpose is the motzi shem ra following their distortion of the news by giving the impression of the mother’s cruelty. Once again the media lied to the public.
The mother got permission to see her child and she indeed saw him for a minute but was forcibly removed from him by a wicked heartless social worker who as soon she walked in and noticed the mother with the child, immediately chased the mother out – Mengele’s style of separating the mothers from their children. And this is an eye witness account. (Then they wonder why they’re called Nazi.) Boy do you people who call yourselves Jewish have what to do tshuva for. Shameful that a news media who call themselves “Yeshiva” World News just mimics the words of Satan and keeps maligning an innocent and wonderful mother.
Look into this week’s parsha to see the severe punishment one gets for being motzi shem ra.
I don’t care if you decide that the truth might offend some talkbackers on your site and yourself and would therefore not publish this. At least you read it and the message came through to you to stop being motzi shem ra.
Excellent point # 15. I think the Yeshiva News at least owes it to this woman to at least report without motzi shem ra.
Just to clarify…#11 comment. When I refer to Erev Rav .. I was REFERING TO THE STATE SOCIAL WORKERS WHO FABRICATED THESE ALLEGATIONS. And not the mother.
You dont know the true fact and may never know so spare your words…