FM Lieberman Not as Optimistic as Some Ministers

lieb1.jpgSome accuse him of being an extremist while others praise him for his open and realistic outlook regarding the never-ending statements surrounding peace overtures towards reaching an agreement with the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is not a believer in the so-called two-state solution, the establishment of Palestine in the heart of Eretz Yisrael, a reality which is strongly supported by the White House, a reality that would avulse a significant part of Jerusalem from the Jewish state to serve as the capital of the new Arab state.

While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu speaks of “significant progress” and a narrowing of differences between the US and Jerusalem, adding talks with the PA may resume in September, Lieberman openly announces he does not believe the talks will yield significant results. He correctly points out that since the signing of the Oslo Agreement, 16 years have passed and peace is yet to be achieved.

“I am realistic” explained Lieberman, who pointed out Israel, was willing “to give everything” yet there is no peace 16 years after the signing. He feels that the same will hold true in the coming 16 years, rejecting the “vision” of US President Barak Obama as “unrealistic”.

“We did not set red lines” or prevent Netanyahu from resuming talks with the PA, he explained on Sunday, but nevertheless, he remains pessimistic regarding any true peace with the PA in the foreseeable future.

Making reference to the prime minister’s Bar Ilan address, Lieberman stressed there can be no compromise on the future of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital and the total rejection of calls for the “Palestinian right of return” which would result in a demographic blow to Israel that would jeopardize the future of the nation as a Jewish state.

Since the early 1990s he explained, the Foreign Ministry became the Ministry of Palestinian Affairs, rejecting the policies of his predecessors.

He used a number of other nations as examples of ongoing disputes, Argentina and Britain, England and Spain arguing over Gibraltar or Turkey regarding Greece, yet in those cases, the entire world does not focus on the dispute. While their disputes continue he explained, the world continues too and the same should hold true regarding Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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