Ben-Gurion U’s Dr. Neve Gordon Calls for Boycott Against Israel

Dr. Neve Gordon, a lecturer at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev in an Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times calls for an international boycott against Israel, viewing such an action as the only way of saving Israel from itself.

“The most accurate way to describe Israel today is as an apartheid state. For more than 42 years, Israel has controlled the land between the Jordan Valley and the Mediterranean Sea. Within this region about 6 million Jews and close to 5 million Palestinians reside. Out of this population, 3.5 million Palestinians and almost half a million Jews live in the areas Israel occupied in 1967, and yet while these two groups live in the same area, they are subjected to totally different legal systems. The Palestinians are stateless and lack many of the most basic human rights. By sharp contrast, all Jews — whether they live in the occupied territories or in Israel — are citizens of the state of Israel.”

He questions what must be done to ensure that his children and the children of “Palestinians” do not grow up in an Apartheid state, calling for an Israeli withdrawal from all areas liberated in the June 1967 Six Day War, the establishment of a Palestinian state, and the return of up to 4.5 million “Palestinian refugees” to Israel.

Because of current realities, Gordon feels massive international pressure on Israel is required, pressure that can be accomplished in the form of an international boycott.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Since he loves his arab cousins so much, he not move to one of these ‘stateless’ areas and see how long he’ll last there? History has shown how we keep suffering from our own more than from outsiders. Here’s a perfect example. What a disgrace.

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