Foreign Ministry Responds to Sweden’s Unwillingness to Apologize

ywnisrael7.jpgIsrael’s Foreign Ministry responded to the Sweden’s foreign minister, who refused to issue a formal apology for an article appearing in his country’s media accusing the IDF of killing PA (Palestinian Authority) residents to use their organs.

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt is quoted in the media as refusing to issue an apology, using his country’s constitution to justify his refusal, stating “no one can deny freedom of speech”.

Israel Foreign  Ministry Spokesman Yossi Levy released a statement that freedom of speech is not only for citizens, but for governments as well, calling on the Swedish government to use freedom of speech to issue a clear rejection of the “anti-Semitic article”, adding the “Swedish government is using freedom of speech as a fig leaf”.

Levy went on to explain that Israel does not value freedom of speech any less than Sweden, but rejected the Swedish government’s refusal to condemn the blatantly anti-Semitic article but opting instead to hide behind free speech.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. They thought they could get a free ride on the “anti zionism” band wagon.
    Hit them where it hurts the most: the pocket book!!!

  2. When it came to the famous “Muchmad cartoons” the knew very well how to muzzle the newspapers!
    Bunch of hypocrites!

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