Saudi Arabia Plans To Go Nuclear

nuclear21.gifRIYADH – Israel has said that it is aware about Saudi Arabia’s plans to build nuclear power plants.

The Saudi newspaper Al-Watan quoted the country’s Minister of Water and Electricity, Abdullah al-Hosain, as saying the kingdom was working on plans for its first nuclear power plant.

The US inked civil nuclear power deals with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates last year.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Israel had no official response to the Saudi minister’s announcement.

Over the last two years, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, the UAE, Yemen, Morocco, Libya, Jordan and Egypt have all indicated an interest in developing nuclear programs.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Israel has been careful not to take a public stand on civilian nuclear programs in neighboring states, partly because as one of the few countries in the world that has not signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it is not keen on lobbying against nuclear know-how for peaceful needs going to countries that are willing to sign the treaty, since that would focus the limelight on Israel’s own unique situation.

Nevertheless, defense officials said that Saudi interest in nuclear power was connected to Teheran’s continued race toward nuclear power.

“The Saudis are genuinely scared of what will happen if Iran turns nuclear,” one official said. “This is part of their response.”

(Source: Gaea Times)

2 Responses

  1. Lets not forget from where the 9-1-1 terorists came from but because they are a OIL RICH country Pres Bush kissed up to them and attacked Iraq instead.
    Look at what happened to the Pan Am murderer that was just released to Lybia because everyone wants their oil and are afraid to start up with Khadafi.

  2. It makes sense to save the oil for export, and the nuclear technology will come in handy in a war with any of several enemies (Israel, Iran, pro-democracy Arabs, etc.).

    Nations tend to build strong militaries. The idea of zionism was that we wanted to play hardball with the nations, and would no longer be content to stay on the sidelines and trust Ha-Shem to protect us. The zionists had better be ready for a world in which most of their enemies have nukes.

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