Jerusalem Mayor Visits HaGaon HaRav S. Auerbach

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat visited the Shaare Chessed home of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, accompanied by Deputy Mayor Yitzchak Pindrus and Chareidi Affairs Advisor Avraham Kroizer.

Seeking to avoid a repeat of the rock attack against the mayor during his recent visit to the Kalever Rebbe Shlita, security this time around was far more extensive, with security agents ready to react to any attempt to disturb the peace.

Mayor Barkat told R’ Auerbach that recent events are sad, stressing nothing will be accomplished through violence.

Pindrus opened the meeting with words of praise for the mayor, regarding his concern for chareidi residents – citing the mayor’s efforts to ensure funding for chareidi mosdos.

The mayor spoke, confirming his commitment to the chareidi community, then moving on to address the importance of remaining firm regarding our right to Yerushalayim, especially now during the Obama administration, with America working to create new realities regarding the Jewish capital.

R’ Auerbach nodded in agreement Chadrei Chareidim reports, and added that “we must also preserve the kedusha of Yerushalayim.”

A number of pertinent issues were raised during the 40 minute meeting, including R’ Auerbach pointing out the desperate need for more chareidi classrooms in the city, pointing out many children are in schools with very difficult conditions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Rav Auerbach shlit”a should show Barakat TODAY’S NEWS:

    The IDF has announced several gestures meant to ease life and “demonstrate respect” for Palestinian Authority Arabs, the majority of whom are Muslim, during the upcoming Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The new procedures will go into effect on Saturday.

    As one of the gestures, IDF soldiers have been asked not to eat, drink or smoke in front of PA Arabs, many of whom will be fasting during the daytime throughout the month-long holiday. IDF spokesmen explained that soldiers will be allowed to eat when they please, but have been asked to refrain from doing so in public, in order to “demonstrate a high level of respect and understanding.”

    Soldiers and police have been given explanatory material regarding the holiday and its customs.


  2. BAR26 the Mayor has gone out of his way to accomodate frum yidden in Yerushalayim. The makeup of the Jerusalem Council shifts to the majority of shomer shabbos jews.
    Can you ever conceive that perhaps the request for an open parking lot, is not an anti-frum gesture?

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