200 Take Part in Kever Rashbi Event

Some 200 people took part in Wednesday’s erev rosh chodesh event at Kever Rashbi in Meron organized by the Eida Chareidis. Rabbonim Shlita of the Eida were on hand, including Gavaad Rav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita.

The Eida stressed that the renovations carried at the site to date were coordinated with rabbonim, but suddenly, they are witness to changes and renovations that were not agreed to, renovations which they insist compromise the kedusha of the site. They also feel the tefilla assembly was necessary after a ruckus at the holy site resulted in a sefer torah falling to the ground and eitz chaim breaking as a result.

“This is not a tourist site” the Eida signs read, with organizers insisting they will not permit renovations that are not approved by rabbonim Shlita.

The Rav’s remarks elicited harsh remarks from a number of lawmakers, who were outraged over the sharp criticism against the nation’s judicial system.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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