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Chareidi Youth Assaulted in Ashdod

mishtara3.jpgA young man, a Belze chossid was accosted and beaten by street youths in Ashdod, adding to the increasing number of such attacks over recent months. According to the Etrog report, the parents of the victim, who did not require medical attention, did not file a police report – feeling that the attacks are already common and nothing is done.

When the gang tried to steal his hat, the youth resisted. He was punched in the stomach and the assailants did manage to take his hat and yarmulke. The victim, 13, explained that when he demanded his hat and yarmulke back, they demanded his coat and then began beating him over his entire body. 

The parents of the victim felt phoning police is a waste of time, adding they are happy he was not beaten  more seriously and that he does not require medical attention, but added he is in pain and did sustain some serious bruising on his face and abdominal area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Who are the assailants in all these cases? Are they Arabs or Jews? These articles should clarify this point as it makes all the difference.

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