Court Rules Meah Shearim Mom to Remain at Home

cha2.jpgJerusalem District Court Justice Refael Yaakobi decided to reject a state request to move the Meah Shearim mom to house arrest outside of her home, away from her children.

The prosecution explained that permitting the mother to remain in Meah Shearim complicates their ongoing investigation, explaining in one case; police were attacked with rocks by some 60 residents as they tried visiting the woman’s home.

The state is contemplating appealing the decision to the High Court of Justice, seemingly determined to remove the mother from her some, to have her remanded outside of Meah Shearim, claiming her presence in the area interferes with the investigation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. We need to keep up the pressure against the authorities to insure they do not incarcerate or kidnap this innocent Jewish mother. It seems to be successful so far.

  2. No, on the contrary. She was left home in spite of your “efforts”, because the judge had a lot of common sense and was not intimidated by the chareidi riots.

    (If the riots intimidated her, she would have to take the mother away from Meah shearim, because of obstruction of justice).

    It is not a coincidence that first the Toldot Ahron Rebbe, then the woman’s attorney appealed at the eidah to stop all rioting (for this woman’s behalf), since they were afraid it could damage her.

  3. We have to keep davening for clarity and for yeshuos. This is a very tricky case and none of us know the whole story. Could we please stop writing comments bashing each other over this case. That’s not what Hashem wants. I read the other comments from other reports on this case and it just makes me upset. Why do we have to fight over stories written on Yeshiva World. I beg everyone to please think before they write anything to put another Jew down. We all have our own opinions on this case, which is okay, but let’s not fight. It won’t get us anywhere. Hashem should see us being b’achdus and shalom and bring us only bracha and yeshous and clarity.

  4. #3
    if all this bothers you get off the internet! This is not a place for you. This is where people share thrir veiws and get information not readily available elsewhere.

  5. #3 – keshmo ken hu – kol hakavod on your comments. You comment was indeed leshem shamayim as was by far the most sensible and practical posting on this subject that has appeared on this site.
    Since we are post Tisha Bav and pre-Elul I suggest we all try and write with less venom and more repsect for our fellow yid. We are after all all on the same side here .

  6. #6 I never said not to go on Yeshiva Worldm My comment was on writing comments bashing other people… kinda what you just did.

    #4 You are right, the internet isn’t the place for me. But it’s not the place for any Jew. And also you’re correct in saying that this is where we get and can post out views, that’s why i’m online. But what I was saying is… if we’re posting our views, let’s do that without putting people down. We all have our views and opinions on everything, but why can’t we state them without fighting and yelling that the other guy is stupid and wrong. What it all comes down to, is that they are all opinions not facts, so why fight over opinions?

  7. #6- do you mind please explaining your comment, I don’t really understand- what do you mean by the enemies among us? do you mean people or the internet… sorry just not following

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