Foreign Diplomats Working to Assisted Ousted Squatters to Return

Arabs who were ousted from a home in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood of Yerushalayim are not giving up, appearing on Wednesday in the Jerusalem District Court in an effort to challenge the eviction order that removed them from what they claim in their home. Appearing in court towards assisting them were consular representatives from America, Sweden and Britain, all critical of Israel’s High Court of Justice for recognizing the ownership deed to the home, ordering the Arabs squatters to vacate.

Sizable funds were raised towards legally acquiring properties and reclaiming Jewish properties stolen by Arabs, and the move to begin constructing 200 housing units for Jews was approved by the court and all the required permits granted by Jerusalem City Hall. Nevertheless, led by the United States, Western nations are condemning Israel’s construction in her capital, calling the area “occupied East Jerusalem”, with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton releasing numerous condemnatory statements this week.

In fact, Jews lived in the area until they were ousted during the War of Independence, when the eastern capital fell under Jordanian occupation, liberated in the June 1967 Six Day War. In 1956, the United Nations authorized the occupancy of the Shimon HaTzaddik (Sheikh Jarrah) area by 29 “Palestinian refugee families”. A legal battle has been ongoing since 1976, and the courts have realized the Jewish ownership of the properties is indeed legitimate, ordering the squatters out.

According to Dr. Rafiq Husseini, the bureau chief for PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), if the Arabs are ousted from Shimon HaTzaddik, the Jews must do the same in other areas, including Talbiyeh, Katamon, Baka and other sections of the western capital.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. The Zionists must immediately allow these people to return to their houses. Each and every second that these people are banned from their houses is one we should cry for.

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