France: Free Arab Terrorist – What About Shalit?

jail1.jpgIn a chutzpadik move, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner have filed a formal request with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, seeking the release of a 24-year-old convicted terrorist, a resident of eastern Jerusalem, who admitted to plotting the murder of Maran HaGaon Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. The terrorist holds French citizenship, prompting the request. The official request was channeled to the prime minister via Israel’s ambassador in Paris.

The matter is being considered, officials in the Prime Minister’s Office report.

In a similar note, Gilad Shalit, now in his fourth year of captivity by Hamas, is also a French citizen, but unfortunately, his plight seems to place less concern on the agenda of French leaders, who have promised Mr. Noam Shalit they will work towards obtaining Gilad’s release.

Regarding the French request, it is an extremely improper diplomatic move since the person is question is a convicted terrorist serving a sentence for plotting to murder the Gadol HaDor.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. If Rav Ovadia shlit”a is maskeem, why not free this animal on 2 conditions… 1) That Gilad is freed also, and 2) The arab is deported to France and never allowed to enter Israel again. >>>B.T.W. – this chutzpah by the French only comes about because they are following the disgustingly anti-Israel lead of Barack HUSSEIN Obama!

  2. Israel does not properly look out after the interests of it’s citizens as a whole. Should we surprised that it does not looking out for the best interests of an individual? We need Moshiach!

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