Meah Shearim Mom to Stand Trial

cha1.jpgCritics state that never before has the state made such a media frenzy in a suspected neglect case, expressing harsh criticism over the state’s handling of the entire matter pertaining to the Meah Shearim mother suspected of starving her toddler son. They are shouting discrimination against the chareidi community, determined to use the trial to unveil the state’s plot against them.

Nevertheless, the harshly-worded indictment questions how may one sit by idly without shouting over the plight of the child, “C”.

Handling the state’s case are Jerusalem district prosecutors Tal Weissman Ben-Shachar and Maiyan Rimon.

The indictment alleges that C received painful and difficult treatments, not to mention risky, for 18 months as a result of his mother’s tampering with his condition and medical intervention. In addition, she is accused to have starved him. There are allegations that she inflicted painful injuries to her son, with the state reporting they have video evidence that more than speaks for itself.

Despite the state’s damaging evidence, YWN has reported on several occasions there are many questions that require answers, questions that cast a shadow on Hadassah Ein Kerem and the medical and social work system, but this will be sorted out by the Jerusalem District Court during the trial. Family members add they are somewhat relieved by the filing of the indictment, explaining that now, they will have an opportunity to present their side with the evidence, something they have not been able to do to date. The community has enlisted the services of prominent attorney Yaakov Weinrot. Fundraising efforts are underway in the chareidi community in Eretz Yisrael and N. America to cover the mother’s legal expenses.

In Meah Shearim, shortly following the indictment, threats of renewed violence were heard should police attempt to remove the mother from house arrest and put her behind bars again, or if the state attempts to limit her conditions as per her current house arrest arrangement.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Sounds like the fundraisers have found another good cause to earn commissions on.
    These funds should be run by an audited trust and be open to public inspection.

  2. What a nisayon for a devoted, deeply frum mother who is in her fifth month of pregnancy! Can you please post her name so we may daven for her? We also must daven for Medinat Yisrael’s cruel and flawed system of justice that treats a woman they claim has a mental illness like a debased criminal. Finally, we must cry out to the heavens that it is time for the Geulah, when Hashem will me “msaken olam b’malchus Shakai.” Until that time, we are forced to live in a world where the state and the press can wantonly deem anyone guilty until proven innocent.

  3. I think that it’s not the state that made the stink, but rather the TA chassidim. If not for them it would have been a news item for one day and then everyone would have forgotten about it. Then the court could decide without all the extra pressure.

  4. Probably a spectacular “show trial”. It would have been better for everyone for the Israelis to let her leave the country (and to deport her husband), and let the matter end peacefully.

  5. 2 & 4 please remember the facts. the Mother was kept in prison for a whole week with a tight gag-order placed on the case. then the jewish community got to hear about her plight and protested at her treatment by the police. Immediately the police or hospitol announced to the press that she was ‘guilty’ of suffering from a mental illness called Munchausen by proxy and hence they had a pressing need to handcuff her and treat her like a criminal.

    but at the end of the day, all media frenzies are created by the media. they want to sell newspapers more than they want to publicize the truth (whatever that may be).

  6. The names of the mother and child have appeared on posters in Meah Shearim, Yenta bas Yocheved and Chaim Yehuda Leib ben Yenta. Please daven that justice be done and not perverted as it so often is in Israeli courts.

  7. That’s right, jewinjerusalem (5). It’s not the state that made the stink, but rather the TA chassidim. And if not for them, Yenty would still be rotting in jail and Chaimke would be dead r”l from all the medical experiments this little human ginea pig went thru.

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