Gasoline Ban Against Iran Unlikely

ach.jpgYediot Achronot reports Israel and the United States are discussing a possible significant increase in sanctions against Iran, cutting off refined fuel imports including gasoline. Tehran relies on imports for about 40% of its gasoline supply, lacking refineries at home.

While such a move may prove effective in the search to compel Iran to halt uranium enrichment efforts, it is most unlikely since China and Russia oppose the move, and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House appear unwilling to discuss such an option until the deadline expires, in September, at which time President Barak Obama will begin deciding what action to take in light of Iran’s refusal to respond to his outstretched diplomatic hand.

America is also concerned that a gasoline ban against Iran would result in Iranian crude oil sanctions against the west, which would deliver a blow to the economy.

Israel continues efforts towards enlisting the United States’ agreement, to realize the imminent threat faced by the entire Western community should Iran build a nuclear bomb but the White House prefers to adopt the sit-and-wait approach, concentrating efforts on pressuring Israel to halt construction in its capital as well as throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Backed by his secretary of state, the US president exhibits an air of solidarity and support with Israel, releasing all the necessary statements guaranteeing Israel’s future security, but in actuality, America’s policies towards Israel have shifted significantly in favor of Israel’s enemies following the departure of the Bush administration from the White House.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. China and Russia would like nothing more than to see the ultimate destruction of the United States and Israel, R”L. But, the Chinese forget that if the United States will be destroyed, chas v’shalom, who will pay out all those American IOU’s?

  2. Ban Shman! Why are we tiptoeing around a man who has openly declared war on the free world and is taking action to do so. The recent elections in Iran prove the people will just as easily accept a new ruler.

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