State Prosecutor Lador to Decide in Meah Shearim Mom’s Case

cha.jpgThe case of the Meah Shearim mother suspected of starving her son was handed over to State Prosecutor Moshe Lador on Sunday following a meeting with Jerusalem District Chief Prosecutor Eli Abarbanel and prosecutor Mayan Rimon who is assigned to the case. Abarbanel has already signaled the court that an indictment will be forthcoming in the case, releasing information that the police investigation has resulted in gathering sufficient evidence to move ahead with a criminal indictment.

Yediot Achronot points out that some of the considerations facing Lador include the fact that if they believe the mother intentionally tried to harm her son, the indictment will be significantly more severe. If however they believe she was compelled to act as she did believing Hadassah’s care was contrary to her son’s well-being, this would result in a significantly lighter indictment.

The actual indictment is expected in a matter of days. Depending on its severity, it will be filed with the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court or in the case of a harsher indictment, with the Jerusalem District Court.

The prosecution reports police have completed questioning the mother. Media reports however state that she has not cooperated with police, opting to remain silent during hours of police questioning during a number of sessions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. “she has not cooperated with police, opting to remain silent during hours of police questioning during a number of sessions.” WHAT A SMART WOMAN! These reshaim are trying to break her and make her confess to crimes she didn’t do and she’s holding onto her gear. STAY STRONG, Y.M.!

    Hadassah Hospital and their Social Workers have not expected such an outcome of their fabrications and now it’s quite hard for them to admit their malpractice and confess their causing their culprit, this time, an innocent pregnant women such cruelty.

    While the axis of evil have some indictment on her, the truth will yet emerge loud and clear and so will the other atrocities in Hadassah publicized. Hadassah might have to close shop, after all. Who in the right mind would want to go again to a hospital and be accused for their malpractrice and experiments that didn’t work out the way they expected?

    Yesh Din Veyesh Dayan!

  2. Being close to the family, I know that YM’s lawyer made har SWEAR, not just promise, that she’ll remain silent, b/c he knows Israeli “justice” better than all you bleeding-heart anti-chareidim. And she has so much to say, her oath is her only deterant.

  3. to repeat as many people have stated before… HOW DO YOU KNOW??? It seems like many people, after a tragedy occurs seem “to know the family” or “are close to the family”. Let the court decide and daven that the truth be spelled out! Why do so many people jump to a conclusion on either side? Who said she did or did not cause harm to her child? Who said there was or was not malpractice? I need hard evidence and proof…
    #1- what do you have against Hadassa hospital? They provide care to many who need it. Why would you want it to close? If C”V you need the hospital- go somewhere else! How would you like it if it “closed shop” when you (C”V) need it, as you seem to want it to happen! They try to do their best and I dont think that there is any malicious “axis of evil” trying to cause harm to the family.

  4. Hadassah hospital provides care to many people who need it and indeed have some quite good doctors. But it is also an official university type of hospital for students training and experimentation. Would you want to be the guinea pig under those unprofessional doctors? There are baruch Hashem other good hospitals in Yerushalayim. There’s no need to go to a hospital that could endanger your welfare and accuse you of some trumped up charges to save their skin if their experiments don’t work out. There are many, many Jews who have stopped using that hospital since this tragic episode. The hospital’s administrator themselves expressed worry about the great loss they’re having since then.

  5. That the attorney told her not to say anything seems quite reasonable, but it does not say anything, neither in her favour, nor against her:
    If she is innocent, they might fear that she would admit something she did not do. If she is not, they would fear that she gets herself even into worse trouble if she speaks…

  6. The fact that there are some of you still questioning her innocence boggles my mind and is extremely disturbing! Haddasah Hospital has done this before. nikuda! fact! And all of you talking about what great doctors they have. Please! They’re not so great. I’ve been there. The medical world in Israel is dreadful.
    Another thought to ponder-
    Why do you think they offered to let her go to England?! If they thought she was a true danger they wouldn’t let her have her son! They want her out so they can drop the case quietly without the world seeing the truth. And why in the world do they write that if she only acted in such a manner because she didn’t feel Haddasah was providing the correct care- then she will receive a lighter indictment. If they acted with malpractice there should be no indictment against her!!! These Chilonim are off the wall, absolute rishaim, and some of you don’t seem to see it. Wake up!

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