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US State Dep’t Condemns High Court Eviction for Arab Squatters

The 200 left-wing protestors in Jerusalem’s Shimon HaTzaddik (Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood on Sunday night condemned a High Court of Justice decision which resulted in the eviction of Arab squatters from Jewish property. Joining the leftists in spirit was the US State Department, releasing a harsh condemnation of the action, the rightful eviction of squatters from Jewish property in the capital, an act which American calls “not within the spirit” of current diplomatic efforts.

State Department spokesperson Megan Mattson released a statement that the actions, the eviction of the Arabs by Israel, constitute an Israeli violation of the Roadmap Plan to which Israelis committed. The official statement added “Unilateral actions taken by either party cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community.”

UN special Mideast envoy Robert Serry did not miss the opportunity to join in and add his condemnatory statement, calling Israel’s actions “totally unacceptable”, apparently agreeing with the United States, that ownership papers presented to the court by the Jewish community are invalid, with their pro-Arab stance expected to supersede legal documentation to advance their desire to see the eastern capital revert the capital of Palestine.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Bibi should evict some more arabs from the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood as a “good-will” gesture to the Obama administration,to show which country runs Jerusalem. Unffortuntly, I have no doubt that Bibi will cave in to pressure. It’s just a question of when.

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