PM Netanyahu to Greet 238 Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim

elal.jpgWhen Nefesh B’Nefesh’s second summer aliyah flight arrives from North America on Tuesday, August 4, 2009, the new olim will be greeted by a number of state officials, headed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The flight will be carrying 238 new immigrants, including 55 young men and women from will soon enlist into the IDF.

Other officials who will take part in the festive welcoming event include Ministry of Absorption Director-General Dmitry Apartsev, Jewish Agency Treasurer Chaggai Meirom and NBN founders and co-chairmen, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart.

Those who did not take advantage of the opportunity to register in advance to take part in the event may watch it live at The broadcast should be getting underway at about 6:30am Israel time.

Readers interested in taking part in a festive welcoming event still have time to register for flights arriving on August 19th and September 8th.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. THANK YOU for being the SOLE reporter on the great events of Nefesh B’nefesh. Over 500 frum families have come on aliyah through this amazing organization. I can name a dozen families from Bklyn, many more from the five towns who have made Eretz Yisroel home since 2006.

  2. Of course Bibi will have to make sure that these wonderful olim (ken yirbu!) don’t settle in any areas that will upset Obama HaMashiach or his misharays Hillary!

  3. “women will soon enlist into the IDF.”

    What joy! Hashem is just thrilled with us, shepping nachas from his precious children who applaud gilui arayos on his holy soil.

  4. PM Netanyahu to Greet 238 Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim

    Ye, at least you get an idea what nefesh b’nesefh is all about.

  5. #3.. that might be the start of those women, but you never know what the impact of living in EY would do..

    Maybe if the “frummer” wouldn’t be so negative about the babysteps that ppl take then some would not feel so intimidated by the lifestyle .

  6. Anyone who wants to see the proceedings at a Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah arrival can log onto the Nefesh B’Nefesh website and see it all there. Best is to actually be there; either as a new Oleh/Olah or to greet those arriving at the airport. The Chizuk you will get is something that cannot be compared and must be experienced.
    Anyone can register and sign up for a free bus ride both to and from the airport. You will need identification. It’s a wonderful experience; there are Yidden/Jews of all shades of Yiddishkeit and one has to respect all of these new Olim for the courage and determination to come. One should also remember to respect the organization and government who all have made the effort for these returnees to our homeland.

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