Meah Shearim Toddler Released from the Hospital

ywnisrael.jpgThe toddler who has captured national media attention after his mother was alleged to have starved him was released from the hospital on erev shabbos. He is now in the home of a family member in Beit Shemesh.

The child will remain in the Ramat Beit Shemesh home of his uncle, his mother’s brother, and his siblings are expected to visit him this week. His mother may not visit him due to a court ban prohibiting such a visit.

Reports indicate that the child is still underweight and he continues to receive food supplements.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. It is a disgrace that this should have been allowed to happen. It is an even bigger disgrace that the leaders of her community didn’t try to stop it. The biggest disgrace is that the frum community is up in arms that she did no wrong. This and other actions of the community repeatedly teaches us repeatedly that it is ok to break the laws of the Torah for political reasons.

  2. And if you are wrong, mikels, and you are indicting an innocent woman in public? Are you going to say sorry to Hashem? Beg Him for Mechila for your runaway mouth based on the media’s sensationalism? What are you going to tell Hashem?

  3. mikels, while you are not the only one, I see you truly live by the motto “innocent until proven guilty”…give the lady a break, we can’t know the details based on a bunch of media hype!

  4. Mikels stop with your leftist dumb outlook it’s bad enough that you think that way you don’t have to post it in public

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