Meah Shearim Mom Tells of the Intimidation & Threats During her Incarceration

jail4.jpgThe Meah Shearim mom’s interview is a top weekend feature in the shabbos edition of Yediot Achronot and Maariv, the nation’s two leading newspapers. She speaks of the horrors of her arrest and interrogation, and the threats from police, telling her “you are the infamous criminal….for years there has not been a case like this…the Eida Chareidis is protesting against you…they have abandoned you….we are going to lock you up for 40 years”.

She explains that in all modesty, she was really scared since in her world, she was always addressed in a respectful tone. She adds that she was one of the people always defending the hospital and her child’s care, unable to understand why police were now throwing these allegations at her.

She speaks of the foul language and threats used against her, when they said, “Nu you criminal, let’s get the fingerprints over with already”. She spoke of the total lack of concern on the part of police for her advanced stage of pregnancy, basically used a very harsh tone when speaking with her and not hesitating to threaten her or verbally abuse here at any time. She also painfully spoke of the lack of tznius and the manner in which she was addressed and treated.

She questions why the handcuffs could not be removed, “as if I was the number one criminal” she laments.

The mother denies all the allegations leveled against her, stating her child was very ill, apparently with system illness that left him with vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and other signs and symptoms.

Regarding her arrest, she tells how she went to the community social workers office with her husband, and how “four men dressed in civilian clothing grabbed each of us and placed handcuffs on me”.

She adds that she never lost faith, aware of the knowledge the Eida would never protest against her. She also describes that when she finally returned home on that erev shabbos, the children literally jumped on her in joy upon seeing her back at home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. It makes you wonder if the level of verbal abuse was as horrendous as being forced to have cuffs – something standard for someone taken into police custody.

    This story is just so sad, whichever side you believe. I hope shortly the truth with evidence to back it is publicly released.

  2. My heart goes out to her. This haples and innocent woman has been villified and tried by the press. We musn’t remain silent in the face of this great injustice.

  3. I am not commenting specifically on what the mother said – but in general – what do we expect someone in her position to say? That she is guilt as charged and the police were wonderful to her? Anyone in her position would say that she didn’t do it and that she was treated poorly –

  4. The exact facts and innocence or guilt in this case are not so easy to be sure about, but one thing IS sure… the police don’t have the brains or the decency to deferentiate between an arab terrorist and a pregnant Jewish woman. The “government” in COMBAT situations risks Jewish soldiers lives because they worry so much about “innocent arab civilians”, but HERE they DON’T worry about the treatment of a pregnant Jewish woman or what that treatment might do to her or her baby. Where is B’Tselem to protest THIS?!?!?

  5. Duh. Here we were finally able to point a finger at chareidim and say that it also happens among them, and now this mom’s innocence spoils it all. Isn’t it sad, Andrea? Such a killjoy!

  6. i would not trust this lady with one word “not just because she is crazy ” but rather cause she is just telling what she was “”told to say “”
    by some not human beings who have nothing better to do “just looking to fight” ””looking to make MACHLOKES ””

  7. to com # 3 do u realy belive the “MISHPACHA””???

    to com # 4 u are right sh’s crazy let all these

    ” M’CHARCHRIE R’IV ” be quite , they r only

    to make “M’ACHLOIKES”

  8. #8 and the rest… you know, unless we know this woman and all the details, which all of us (even those who claim to) don’t, watch what you say!!! Why is everyone judging and making nasty comments when they don’t know what they’re talking about? Have some Rachmanus!! (Whether she’s 100% innocent or not!)

  9. #6 – I really have no clue what you are talking about. Her statements sound like the party line statements. There are two sides to every story – Doesn’t mean she is wrong – just again, what did you expect her to say – I am guilty and I was treated wonderfully by the police?

  10. Why should people be making comments on how she’s “innocent” or “guilty”? Let the court decide that- there is no way for us to decide without all the proper information. We are only being told certain information, certain facts, from a specific viewpoint. Hypothetically, if she was guilty (I am not saying she is!) would the YWN say that? Would they make a big deal about the way the police were treating her? There are too many rumors going around about who she is and what she allegedly did. Each side will do their job and it will all come out in the courts.

  11. The problem with these blogs is all the loshon horah spoken about people who we don’t even know! Now it is right after Tisha B’Av. Are we going to do anything about it? I don’t make assumptions about people whether I know them or not and I certainly won’t say something negative about anyone on the internet.Whether or not this woman did or did not harm her child is not everyone’s business and we should not all be say our opinions about it in such a public forum. No one has any privacy any more, everyone’s personal business seems to be everyone else’s business. If we can’t help someone by knowing stuff about them, we should not be talking about him.

  12. Mishpacha likes to play Devils Advocate, they assume they will sell more copies that way, while they may keep away from making up lies they are still not a 100 percent truthful magazine, so don’t take anything they say as definite

  13. It is really sad to read all these comments. We all should take heed of these news and learn to be melamed zechut and judge others favorably, being careful to speak positively of others or rather Not tot Speak At All!!! As perhaps this will help us find favor inthe eyes of the Almighty.. We need rachamei shamayim!!!

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