It appears that destroying outposts and halting construction is not sufficient for the right-wing government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu but now, buckling under US pressure, the administration has permitted a good-will gesture to Gaza terrorists. Trucks carrying cement, iron and many other building supplies were permitted into Gaza. Israel of course “will ensure” these supplies do not make their way to Hamas and not used to build weaponry to be used against Israel at some future date.
In the meantime, as the terrorists record another good-will gesture, Gilad Shalit is now in his fourth year of Hamas captivity, presumably in Gaza, not even permitted a visit from a representative of the International Red Cross.
Seeking to save face, the government announced that while it permits the infusion of building supplies into Gaza, the crossings will remain closed until Gilad Shalit is released.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)