Over 1,000 Send Mitchell a Clear Message – ‘Go Home!’

Over 1,000 people were on hand Monday night for a protest that began at Jerusalem’s Paris Square, making its way to nearby Agron Street, the American Consulate in Jerusalem.

Among the speakers was the head of the Ichud HaLeumi opposition party, MK Yaakov Katz, who stated, “Eretz Yisrael vomits out traitors. Eretz Yisrael vomited out Arik Sharon, [former PM Ehud] Olmert and [former Finance Minister Avraham] Hirschson, [former Minister] Chaim Ramon, [former IDF Chief of Staff during the Second Lebanon War] Dan Halutz, and Eretz Yisrael will vomit out [Prime Minister] Binyamin Netanyahu if he continues to betray us”.

Katz’s potent remarks elicited the ire of many a MK, both in the coalition and opposition, with Likud MK Ofir Akonis warning that the right-wing should learn from the past, having ousted a “right-wing nationalistic government, bringing in a left-wing government which brought us Oslo”.  

Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshivat Nir, Kiryat Arba also spoke, calling US President Obama “a racist”, adding “how dare you tell the Jewish People where they may and may not live!”

Settlement Council leader Danny Dayan added that today, “we live in the center of Eretz Yisrael, in the heart of the pressure and anyone who says we cannot stand up to the United States’ pressure is either an ignoramus or a liar”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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