Shas MK Takes a Hint From Philadelphia Mint

Shas MK Nissim Ze’ev introduced a bill that would call for printing “In G-d We Trust” (Anachnu Ma’anminim B’Borei) on Israeli currency, perhaps taking his cue from America, where the statement has been part of currency for a long time.

Ze’ev stated that even Jews who are not shomer mitzvos will be reminded of their religion by this simple message which he feels would have a positive impact on the nation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. What does that have to do with the Philadelphia mint? The phrase is on all American legal tender coins regardless of where minted, and all currency (which are printed, something they have been doing a lot of lately).

  2. Interesting factoid: “In G-D we trust” started appearing on US money when President Nixon removed the gold standard; from that point on, US dollars could no longer be redeemed for gold.

    An interesting observation: When you ask a Jew “How are things?” and he answers “G-D will help”, then you know that he is in a pickle.

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