FM Lieberman Calls for Stern Sanctions Against Iran

leib.jpgDuring a state visit to Peru, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Tuesday called on the United Nations and international community to impose stern sanctions on Iran in the race against the clock to halt Iran’s nuclear program.

“The Iranian threat is not just directed against Israel, but the entire world. If there is a nuclear bomb, this will pose a significant threat and therefore, such a reality must be prevented. The best solution is increasing sanctions by the United Nations”.

Lieberman has repeatedly called on the international community to take a sterner position against Iran, warning we must avoid a repeat of the errors that permitted North Korea to reach nuclear independence. He has spoken out against the diplomatic approach adopted by the new White House administration, realizing Israeli intelligence reports are signaling Tehran is dangerously close to the ‘point of no return’.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Sanctions Schmanctions. Call upon the Air Forces of all countries interested in doing the earth a favor.

  2. good idea. stern sanctions.

    yair stern sanctions.

    (check your history who what and where yair stern was)

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