IRS Agents Tailing UBS Bankers To Catch Tax Evaders

bino.jpgReuters reports: US tax agents are tailing UBS bankers in an attempt to identify who their clients are to determine who may be evading taxes, a Swiss newspaper reported yesterday.

The Internal Revenue Service wants to force UBS to disclose the identity of an estimated 52,000 US holders of secret Swiss accounts suspected of dodging taxes, even though this breaches Swiss bank secrecy laws.

A possible compromise involving the names of account-holders visited by Swiss bankers would identify about 10,000 people, Swiss weekly Sonntags-Zeitung said.

A UBS spokesman declined to comment, noting the negotiations were a matter for the two governments. A Swiss Justice Department spokesman said the two sides had agreed not to comment while negotiations continued.

A trial against UBS had been scheduled to start in Miami on July 13, but presiding judge Alan Gold agreed to delay it until August 3 to allow time for a settlement.

On Friday a source familiar with the situation said talks between Switzerland and the United States to end the tax row could stretch beyond the August 3 deadline.

4 Responses


    American Pressure Teams Arrive in Jerusalem

    This is all part of a strategy to weaken Shas and its Syrian Jewish supporters in America, in order to push through the “Peace Deal,” which would make the West Band “JudenRein,” so that the Arabs could create their Palestinian “State” there..

  2. It is hardly “on a trail”. The US is using diplomatic pressure to force Switzerland to give up on its bank privacy laws (originally designed for people fleeing the Nazis, now used mainly by tax cheats and third world crooks). Swiss law guarantees customer privacy, and American law bans it, so the Swiss banks will have to change their law or be effectively banned from doing business in the US.

  3. the US is going to be embarrassed when this witch hunt is over. the high tax(EU) countries will use this as a precedent to get the names of their citizens that have accounts in the US banks so they can tax them in their home country. the people will rush to get their money out and the US banks will COLLAPSE.

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