What About Shefa Shuk?

char.jpgVaad Shabbos official Rav Yitzchak Goldkopf questions why the major protests surrounding the shabbos opening of the Karta parking lot while nothing is seen regarding Shefa Shuk, all the while the Badatz Eida Chareidis hechsher remains prominently displayed in stores.

According to a Kikar Shabbos report, the rav questions just how the parking issue has reached its current proportions while Shefa Shuk actually operates on shabbos, all the while the produce bears the hechsher of the Eida. He cites examples of when there was cooperation, such as the boycott of El Al, but appears puzzled over the Eida’s silence regarding Shefa Shuk.

He added there is a reason the Vaad has not joined the Eida’s fight against the Karta parking lot, questioning how many people actually use the lot but appears perplexed why the Eida is ignoring the Shefa Shuk operation, in which shoppers on a weekly basis are purchasing produce with a mehadrin hechsher as they are mechalel shabbos.

According to the report, the reason they do not yank the hechsher is they fear Belz or Rav Efrati will take their place and they do not wish to see such an occurrence. Nevertheless, they are out in the streets weekly shouting against the Karta parking lot. Actually, Rav Goldkopf blames the Eida for the Rabbanut continuing to give its supervision to Shefa Shuk as well, explaining the Rabbanut feels if the Eida can remain on board with chilul shabbos, it can too.

R’ Goldkopf explains that the Vaad was out protesting on Bar Ilan, but at the end of the day, Karta is a very small operation, one lot, far from the chareidi tzibur. Shefa Shuk’s hechsher from the Eida however contributes to chilul shabbos of thousands, if not tens of thousands. He feels if the Eida pulls the hechsher, Shefa Shuk would give in.

“What have we always said” he asked rhetorically, explaining that AM:PM’s operation compels many other stores to remain open on shabbos because of the rules of competition. The same holds true or more so regarding Shefa Shuk, yet the Eida’s hechsher remains. “Since Dudi Weissman decided to open AM:PM, owned by Shefa Shuk, the chilul shabbos has increased significantly! Many store owners who prefer to remain closed feel compelled to open, fearing they will lose business. It’s absurd.”

The rav points out that chilul shabbos is chilul shabbos, and it is intolerable with AM:PM as with Karta, but he rejects the Eida’s shouts against Karta while giving a hechsher to Shefa Shuk. The Vaad he adds has also turned to the Eida to remove its hechsher but the call was ignored.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. It’s all about “money, money”. The “eidah” speaks so much against the Medina and are the # 1 anti-zionist to the point that the neturei karta witch is part of the eidah, supports the destruction of the State of Israel and to have a palestinan one instead. And the say that the do not take money from the State, but they sure love money because they force their hechsher on everything for business, not for kashrut. That’s why they are afraid if some other badatz come to take over……see the hechsher is their money ticket..

  2. at least some one has spoken up!
    sorry #2- but it’s the same company and it is a double standard.
    PErsonally I have no problem shopping in shefa shuk, cuz now it’s empty and you get good service. IF you want to ban shefa then go ahead and ban half of the food products you are buying and other products. Many factories are open on shabbos, if you have a standard than stick to it don’t pick and choose.
    From what I understand Bar Kol is very strict to buy only from shomer shabbos companies not Yesh or the other supermarkets.

  3. Pray tell why is Rav Yitzchak Goldkopf so worried about Shefa Shuk and AM:PM and ignores its competitor “Yesh” whose owners also own shops open on the holy Shabbos.

  4. “R’ Goldkopf explains that the Vaad was out protesting on Bar Ilan” — But he admits, “Karta is … far from the chareidi tzibur.” In other words Goldkopf just wants his street quiet for Shabbos and doesn’t really care about the principle of chillul shabbos.

  5. and now …the real story. koldkopf is Ger.Ger wants to playdown the opening of the parking lot by the secular Mayor that Ger put into power. they are getting a lot of slack for his anti-chareidi wars. Shefa is not open on shabbos therefore the Eida can give a hecsher. to boycot all stores whose owners own other stores that dont keep shabbos, whould include most of the country. the reason Ger wants to boycot Shefa is because shefa’s compatition,Alef or Yesh is run by GERERS. While the Eida is interested in Hashem, Ger…..

  6. To uzi007: The Neturei Karta
    is NOT part of the Eidah. THAT
    is a matter of historical
    record. What is also true is the
    fact that Agudah of which the
    Eidah – the “old yishuv” – was
    a part, disagreed ONLY on what
    to do AFTER the state was formed.
    Otherwise they agreed fully as
    far as what a secular state meant
    and could mean for the future of
    Am Yisroel. Let us not re-write
    history for our own political

  7. Shuali,
    Do you live in Israel????, I do. and I live an area that neturei karta aka “eidah” hangs out and the virulent hatred that they have for the Torah Jews that do not believe like them is very palpable. And NOBODY, I MEAN, NOBODY OF THE “EIDAH” EVER SAID A WORD AGAINST THE NK, even to the point that if you go to Meah Shearim you will see some apartments with a palestinian flag by their doors almost next to their Mezuzah……

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