FBI Extends its Reach to Israel with Continuing Arrests UPDATED – 7:15PM IL

arrest7.jpg[UPDATED INFO BELOW] The recent investigation and arrests in NY & NJ has apparently spread to Eretz Yisroel, YWN has learned.

FBI agents in Israel on Monday morning made three arrests, entering a Jerusalem Yeshiva and arresting three bochrim, who reside abroad.

Media reports based in the United States indicate the investigation in Israel will most likely expand to banks as well as other yeshivas, including some affiliated with Shas.

There was no further information regarding this mornings arrests available at this time.

UPDATE: Drama in Chevron – Givat Mordechai Yeshiva on Monday AM:

There was quite the drama in Yeshivas Chevron-Givat Mordechai Jerusalem on Monday morning which apparently resulted after one bachor told his colleagues he was called in for questioning in connection to the arrests of rabbonim and others in the USA. The bachor is a member of the Syrian community, with family residing in the Flatbush area of the United States. The bachor stated he must appear in the Jerusalem Police Russian Compound on Tuesday morning for questioning.

Rumors began spreading among the yeshivas in Yerushalayim that a man who did not identify himself spoke to the bachor, informing him he would be compelled to come in for questioning.

Chareidim report the rosh yeshiva, Rav Dovid Cohen told the bachor not to panic, instructing him not to go to police as instructed. A subsequent investigation reveals in all likelihood, someone was playing a tasteless practical joke on the bachor. Apparently, Rav Cohen understood immediately that this was not a legitimate incident while the bochrim were not as quick to evaluate what was taking place.

Jerusalem police explain that if and when the FBI operates in Israel, agents are accompanied by Israel police personnel, adding no one has been summoned for questioning in this case by Jerusalem police.

UPDATE 7:15PM IL: Officials in Israel Police are now reporting that earlier rumors circulating in different areas of the capital are untrue, and the FBI did not make arrests in Israel in Israel as reported in some circles.

There are numerous rumors circulating in yeshivas and other areas surrounding the many arrests in the USA by FBI agents relating to money laundering and organ trafficking involving members of the frum community.

While it appears Israel Police will be meeting with FBI agents, no arrests have been made at this time despite contrary reports earlier in the day.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

27 Responses

  1. The Nine Days didn’t get their reputation for nothing.

    Hashem yerachim. May everyone be innocent and released immediately.

  2. I didn’t know that the FBI can make arrests in Israel. Can they? Really?

    Then what’s the whole flight risk issue?

  3. #2 – I would imagine its only if the Israeli police cooperate. AND… being that the Israeli “government” kisses up to the U.S. – the FBI will probably have no problems. HaSh*m yirachaym…

  4. Every person has Ta’avot. Some for money. Some for fame. Some for other things. Some times people succumb to those Ta’avot and that’s a shame. One thing we can never do is implicate our friends or associates as a way of mitigating our own faults of stumbling and falling to our Ta’avot. We don’t know anyone else’s tests, but we do know the Torah tells us our din is between us and Hashem. No reason to bring anyone else into the picture. Not young men in Yeshiva, Not Shas, Not politicians. Just us and Hashem. I hope that those who are implicated can be strong in their understanding of what the Torah would want of them.

  5. Israel is a sovereign, independent country. Something is amiss in this article: What is the source of this questionable information?

  6. There is something very fishy about this story.
    FBI has no jurisdiction in Israel. Most of those arrested were charged with operating without a banking license, something an Israeli overseas can’t be tried for.

  7. Let me see the Chinese government allow the FBI to make arrests in their country!! What is going on in Israel to allow this is shameful!

  8. If on an international(Interpol)warrant, the arrests could be made with the assistance of Israeli law enforcement. Standard law enforcement practice – and not some devilish anti Jewish liberal plot, you well meaning ignorant sods! Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  9. nobody else is reporting this but YWN (who I consider the most trusted name in news btw) – but this story makes zero sense

  10. Why should Israel allow the FBI to make arrests in Israel, is America treating Israel as kindly?
    They want us off the map, just like everyone else does, why give them privelages?

  11. I am an attorney and i know this much. The FBI has NO jurisdiction outside of the United States. They cannot and have NEVER worked outside of the United States. The CIA on the other hand MAYBE and I mean MAAAYBE able to, but not without complete cooperation from Israel.

  12. #14,

    Please entertain the possibility that these were friends playing a prank on each other, never dreaming that this would become an international news story! Let alone that the Rosh HaYeshiva will somehow be involved.

    I don’t know this, but it could easily have played out…

  13. re #11 – Ever heard of an extradition warrant counselor? Arrest would be made by local law enforcement, with third party officials there to take custody for transport.

  14. Wolffman,

    “you well meaning ignorant sods!”

    Interpol? With the FBI? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that since you hurl epithets in such a juvenile manner, you must not be old enough to have learned how Interpol operates.

  15. horrible. where is the sensitivity of those isreali yeshiva boys? chacham yosef harrari raful sends his best talmidim to chevron and this is what they get?

    is the nine days a time for practical jokes? is this conduct permissible for yeshiva boys during the year? SHAME on chevron yeshiva. those boys should be expelled

    or better yet chacham yosef should send the boys to a yeshiva with derech eretz

  16. syguy, I wouldn’t blame the whole yeshiva for this prank. Just because one person was insensitive and thought he was being funny, doesn’t mean that everyone there is like that.

  17. #2:

    This actually exemplifies the flight risk. The FBI can’t make arrests in Israel, only the Israeli police can (and by the way #11, technically the CIA doesn’t have jurisdiction outside of the US…there’s a reason they are called SPIES). The Rosh Yeshiva told the bochur NOT to go for the questioning. The Israeli police don’t want to make the effort to track down people suspected of wrongdoing in the US if it’s not easy for them (understandably I suppose). So if you go to Israel, and don’t cooperate, the chances of you getting extradited or turned over to US authorities (though I don’t believe there is such a treaty) is small…just go out on the lam.

  18. The story is highly unlikely. An FBI agent wouldn’t even be allowed to carry a handgun in Israel. They would accompany Israeli police who would make the arrest.

    The FBI cooperates with police of all friendly countries, though it might not apply for a political crime (sedition, tax evasion, treason, etc.) .

  19. let’s stop blaming any shortcoming that happens in klall yisroel”ovey the nine days”.Certainly its a zman muchan lperonius however money laundering is ovey 365 days a year,accidents of people falling asleep at the wheel is 365 days of year due to your lack of sleep. its ovey we are not careful all year round

  20. Re #20’s comment:

    ““you well meaning ignorant sods!”

    Interpol? With the FBI? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that since you hurl epithets in such a juvenile manner, you must not be old enough to have learned how Interpol operates”

    I am probably old enough to be your father, am close to retirement from a law enforcement agency and have written regulations and other authorities on inter-jurisdictional transport of persons in custody. It is you, sir, who have much to learn.

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