Barak: Israel Does Not Rule Out Any Options

barak2.jpgDuring his Monday morning meeting with US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, one of several senior US officials visiting Israel, Defense Minister Ehud Barak thanks the United States for recent statements expressing its commitment to stand by Israel against any and all existential threats, but added Israel prefers to keep all her options open at this time. He called on America to adopt the same policy. The defense minister’s words were clearly hinting at American suspicions that Jerusalem may launch an offensive against Iran, fearing the international community’s sit-and-wait attitude will bring the situation to the point of ‘no return,’ Iran’s achieving nuclear independence. The new White House administration has taken a sharp turnaround from its predecessor, adamantly opposed to a military strike against Tehran, opting to continue with dialogue to avoid any confrontation.

Barak stressed Israel’s appreciation for the support given by the “strongest nation in the world”, adding “Israel is not blind” and is aware that any action taken does have an impact on neighboring nations as well.

Following their meeting the two senior officials held a joint press conference at which the defense secretary signaled the White House too has limitations, stating the desire for dialogue is not an ‘open-ended offer’, falling short of detailing just how long the White House is willing to sit back as Iran’s nuclear enrichment efforts move along towards building a bomb.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. “The new White House administration has taken a sharp turnaround… opting to continue with dialogue to avoid any confrontation.” DIALOGUE?!? Has anyone seen any DIALOGUE??? To the contrary, the Iranian regime has been “sticking it” to the US government at every opportunity!!! They know the US has no leadership, and they will proceed as fast as they can with their evil plans. It will be up to Israel (with HaSh-m’s help – b’derech ha’teva) or HaSh-m alone, b’derech l’ma’ala min ha’teva, to deal with Iran. Either way, Iran (and obama) will be in the garbage heap of history.

  2. Sounds as if I heard this already from this coward.
    It’s easier though to start up with the “illegal outposts”.

  3. #2: “Sounds as if I heard this already from this coward.”

    Mi ki’amcha Yisrael, where “cowards” can be commanders of the Israeli Special Forces units! (Which, among other things, exacted revenge on the PLO terrorists who murdered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.)

    Imagine what strength we must possess when our “corwards” become the most decorated officers in Israeli military history.

    It is possible that for all the flaws you see, this “coward” has saved more Jewish lives than you will ever know.

    Just FYI.

  4. You must also believe that Israel’s supreme court is the most sophisticated on this planet.
    And left is beautiful.

  5. Yidmitnfidl,

    No, just that Barak is not a coward – I’m not necessarily on board with his political positions (which of course may translate to tactical or strategic options), but I’d be hard pressed to call the guy a coward – the man has guts harder than most of the rest of us (anyone who dresses as a woman and kills PLO terrorists has some rock-hard guts).

    Anyway, let’s keep things even during the Nine Days –

    With wishes for a bearable and meaningful fast, and an ultimate geulah,

    The Grok

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