Officials Fear the Worst in Search for Amichai Steinmetz of Maale Levona

25-year-old Amichai Steinmetz was raised in the Shomron community of Maale Levona, the son of American immigrants, among the first families in the community. Family members are extremely concerned after learning that last Tuesday, Amichai and a friend split up and went their separate ways in their trek in India, planning to meet, but Amichai has been missing since.

A team from Harel Insurance is scheduled to arrive in India on Monday, planning to undertake a search for the missing Israeli. Amichai’s friend returned to their hotel on erev shabbos, and when he realized that Amichai hadn’t made his way back, he became concerned. He notified the Israel Foreign Ministry and Harel. A local team began searching and now the Israeli team is heading directly to northern India to assist in search efforts.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Thank you. Please daven for Amichai ben Devorah. We are so worried but are praying for a safe return! Av HaRachamim answer our prayers!

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