American Pressure Teams Arrive in Jerusalem

gmit2.jpgSeeking to advance his stranglehold program against Israel, US President Barak Obama has sent teams to advance his program, which translates to turning up the heat on Jerusalem to acquiesce to US demands which are contrary to Israel’s security and nationalistic interests.

Special Mideast envoy George Mitchell arrived after first meeting with America’s new staunch Mideast ally, Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, who during the previous Bush administration held a prominent place on America’s list of nations that support terror. President Obama on the other hand opts to ignore Assad’s strong ties to Iran, Hizbullah and their anti-American and Israeli positions, opting to paint the Syrian leader as a moderate yearning to open a diplomatic channel with Israel. Mitchell’s latest message from Damascus is Syria remains willing to enter into direct talks with Israel, but only with American guarantees of an Israeli agreement to withdraw to the pre-June 1967 boundaries, namely a total retreat from the Golan Heights. Israel has signaled a willingness to enter into talks with Syria, but without preconditions.

Mitchell on Sunday announced a change of schedule, moving up his meeting in Cairo with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a move that Cairo explains is compelled by President Mubarak’s schedule, nothing more.

America appears anxious to convene a peace summit, according to some, to permit Obama to boost his ailing popularity polls back home and divert attention from his problems including his failure to jumpstart the economy. This summit would be hosted by Egypt, attended by the United States, the European Union nations, Israel, the PA (Palestinian Authority), and Arab states including Syria and Saudi Arabia.

In his meeting on Monday before heading for Cairo, Mitchell told Defense Minister Ehud Barak that President Obama remains committed to a comprehensive regional peace, seeking to include as many Arab nations as possible towards achieving normalized relations in the region between Israel and her neighbors. Mitchell explained this is the vision of the new American president.

Barak reiterated Israel’s longtime yearning for peace with her neighbors, adding such a reality requires the leadership of Arab nations and their wisdom, as well as the inclusion of the United States. At present, it does not seem that Mitchell has succeeded in bringing many of Israel’s neighbors to such a summit.

Regarding reports of increased tensions and a “crisis” between Jerusalem and Washington surrounding the construction in yishuvim and areas of the eastern capital, Mitchell told reporters there is no “crisis”, stressing good relations continue between Israel and the United States. He repeated the standard mantra, that America remains determined to a secure Israel and will not do anything to compromise Israel’s security. Officials in Yerushalayim insist there is no agreement regarding America’s demand for a building freeze.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his comments in the presence of the media at Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting stated that the visit of senior American officials is testimony to the undeniable special relationship that exists between the two countries, adding such a relationship is not without differences. The prime minister explained in certain areas there are ongoing efforts to reach an understanding and mutual agreement towards achieving the common goals of peace, security and development for the entire region.

The prime minister on Monday is scheduled to meet with US Defense Secretary Robert Gates. He is scheduled to meet with Mitchell on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, with senior US advisor to the National Security Advisor, General James Jones. Jones is leading a contingent of senior officials from the National Security Council, State Department and White House. Also numbered in this delegation is Dennis Ross, a familiar face in the region and a special White House advisor to President Barak Obama.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Its really very simple. The Torah tells us that those who bless Israel (i.e. help, work FOR the interests of Am Yisrael) will be blessed, and those that curse Israel (i.e. work against the interests of Am Yisrael) will be cursed. I think we know which side obama and mitchell and ross are on. The question is – which side is Bibi on?!?

  2. Why were they allowed into the country? If their visit is not inkeeping with the best interests of the country (and it ain’t) their visas should have been revoked!

  3. the torah last week told us that if we do not show the goyim we want the land of israel then the goyim will tount us to give up our land of israel we jews must show that the land of israel is only ours and not the goyim

  4. I agree with mastergary. They should also be given the best accomodations that money can buy; a one room basement apartment right next to the Ponovezher Yeshiva. Not that they could keep up a seder in gemara….

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