Israel: Biometric Mikve Entry Control

While the Interior Ministry is struggling to make the long overdue changeover from the current outdated passports to biometric, Israel boasts its first fingerprint reading mechanism to permit entry to a mikve.

According to the report, the new unit permits monthly members to just swipe their finger and gain entry, while it also accepts cash from non-members. One of the major advantages is the new unit prevents handing the current electronic keys from one member to a non-member to use. Many more of the new units are expected to make their appearance on the Israeli mikve scene.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. If someone wants to let another guy use his card won’t he be able to just put his own finger on the sensor but let the other guy go thru? I know you are not allowed to do that, but it still will be possible unless the sensor won’t allow that fingerprint to enter more than once a day, etc.

  2. The Dushinsky mikva on rechov Shmuel Hanavi has had this system in place for over a year. It’s very cool!

  3. such a mikve alredy exists for a long time at dushinskys in yrshlm!!
    “one of the major advantages..” well not really.
    u can put ur finger on , & someone else can then walk in.

  4. These systems won’t be usable on Shabbos and yuntuf. While this isn’t a problem for passports since one doesn’t use a passport on Shabbos except for conditions of pikuach nefesh (such as when fleeing a country that wants to kill you), it is a serious problem if used in lieu of keys (as is already the problem with various electronic keys).

  5. It would seem to me that someone using the mikve but cheating it out of the fee is a real tovel veshertz beyado!

  6. #7, unfortunately, so is davening and then talking in middle of davening, or even worse, talking loshon horah before and after davening. As unbelievable as it sounds, people do it all the time. Hashem Y’rachem.

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