Court Approves Davening in Kiryat Yovel Apartment

daven1.jpgJerusalem District Court Justice Tamar Bar-Asher Tzaban ruled that an ongoing chareidi minyan in a Kiryat Yovel apartment may continue despite objections from a number of neighborhood secularists, who insist the minyan violates zoning law.

The court explained that the apartment is basic a residential home, and is only used as a shul on shabbos. Baruch Hashem, the court the immediate removal of a restraining order that has prevented the minyan from meeting. She added a person may invite people to his home for whatever reason he sees fit, including davening. One may invite friends on a weekly basis; even at predetermined regular set times.

The court also rejected claims that while davening takes place the children of mispalalim play in the courtyard, and this creates too much a disturbance. The court felt the noise generated by the children does not exceed acceptable norms.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Even when it was illegal to open a synagogue in the United States (the situation in all the colonies are some point, in Maryland it lasted until around 1830), it was legal to have a minyan in one’s house.

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