UN Joins White House Protest Over Jerusalem Construction

un.jpgNot surprising anyone with his anti-Israel statements, United Nations Secretary-General Ban ki Moon was true to form, releasing statements opposing Israeli construction in areas of the eastern capital. The UN leader, who consistently adopts positions contrary to Israeli’s security and national interests, did not disappoint in this case.

The UN leader called on Israel to adhere to her responsibilities and halt all construction in settlements and “occupied East Jerusalem”. Also calling on Israel to halt construction are France, Switzerland, Germany, Russia and the EU.

Truth be said, Israel is to blame. Since Hashem’s decisive victory in the June 1967 Six Day War, Israel has regarding the eastern areas of the capital as “Arab” and has permitted the growth of what is today Palestine. Eastern areas of the capital, such as Salah a-Din Street where the Jerusalem District Court is situated, are home to Fatah and PA activists, free of Jews who are aware they take their personal safety in danger by walking the streets. Israel continues to limit Jewish construction, and has permitted it judicial system to repeatedly stop efforts to reclaim areas including the so-called Muslim Quarter.

Chevron remains a small community surrounded by Arabs, once again Israel’s refusal to permit expansion. Thousands upon thousands of Jews have desired to move to Chevron over the years, but Israel would only concede to the construction of Kiryat Arba, not Chevron itself, fearing the response of the international community. The Muslims continue to defile the Machpelah and by and large, their racist actions are ignored by authorities.

The same holds true for the Golan Heights for example, and all of Yehuda and Shomron, with successive Israeli governments refusing to annex Yehuda and Shomron into Israel.

The late Yitzchak Rabin opened the door or doubt to negotiations that would lead to a withdrawal from the Golan Heights, and the late Menachem Begin was first to implement a policy of expulsion, removing Jews from Yamit in the Camp David peace accord with Egypt.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Well said Yechiel Spira – however hope you do not mind me asking you directly
    are you Anti-Chareidi or Anti-Israel?….

  2. Hey Obama and Hillary: Come back and we’ll talk again AFTER you give back european-occupied north america to the native american indians!!!

  3. When, oh when will Israel finally resign and leave the U.N.? And when will the United States stop giving money so that the U.N. could stop aiding terrorists in Israel?

  4. #2: I don’t think Hussain Obama would object to giving away parts of the US. First he apparantly hates this country (his wife came out and stated that she did). Second, he nominated to the supreme court a woman who is a member of Laraza.

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