JUST IN: Dr. Weill’s Report Favorable for the Mother

ywbn14.gifAs the mother suspected of intentionally contributing to her 3-year-old son’s ailing condition prepares for another court appearance on Thursday, askanim involved are pleased, indicating the report being filed by psychiatrist Dr. Yaakov Weil is viewed a fair and favorable. It appears the mother met the doctor once again, on Tuesday night, for a second meeting, providing enough information for Dr. Weill to submit an evaluation in time for the upcoming hearing.

According to the askanim, who reportedly saw the report, Dr. Weill feels the mother does not present a danger to any of her children, including the hospitalized son.

It is entirely possibly that if the court accepts the evaluation on face value, the mother will be released from house arrest.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

20 Responses

  1. What halachic right do these “askanim” have to read anyone’s private and confidential medical records and then release that information to the public!

  2. I feel sorry for the child who is suffering ( if the news reports are true). If she is no risk to the welfare of her children,how come this child is in such bad shape?

  3. IF this is true, the government will now have to attempt to prove that she was willfully abusing the child while the child was in the hospital. I suspect the government’s lawyer is looking for some “dutch courage” since that will be an almost impossible burden unless they simultaneously admit to the hospital’s negligence.

    However the government (as well as the frum community) is painted into a corner by its radical statements of the last few days. Several senior officials would probably have to resign if they admit fault.

    Releasing a confidential medical report is a good strategy in a society that doesn’t have all the “due process” rules such as exist in the United States. It makes it much harder for the Shin Bet (i.e. the police) to change the doctor’s position.
    In a less the free society, sunshine is a critical tool for protecting one’s rights.

  4. The askanim don’t realize that the mental illness diagnosis was favoring them. Because now that it was determined that she lacks a claim of mental illness, her actions on video show CRIMINAL intent which she will be prosecuted for without a mitigating circumstance of mental illness.

  5. to #2, who cares about halacha (c”vs) remember that you are dealing with a barbaric community. let light things on fire until we get what we want. if they can do that then they can do this. shame on these people if they can even be called that.

  6. #7 – not really – they’ll have to prove criminal intent, which gets into whether (for example) she believed the hospital was giving him chemotherapy,
    and anything that makes the case look like malpractice makes it hard to prove her wrong, and easy to make the government appear to be engaged in a coverup. Politically, the government will have to defend many of the outrageous statements made by its employees, all of which are based on the assumption that the hospital was 100% right and she was crazy. It also raises the question of hospital’s competence. Her mental illness was a key element, and a false accustation of mental illness, especially of someone with anti-zionist connections (something they always emphasized in the press) looks extremely like something the Soviets loved to do with dissidents.

  7. #7 you write:
    “her actions on video show CRIMINAL intent”

    >what video? we didn”t hear from the police since day 1 about any video!

    the video was just part of a way to threaten her to sign that’s she guilty

  8. If Orthodox Jews can side with our worst enemies against their fellow frum Jews, we richly deserve the treatment the world has given us.

    If Orthodox Jews can refer to women opting to dress like their (and your!) grandmothers did, covering their shoulders with a nicely fringed shawl, as “burka ladies”, Israel deserves to be called all kinds of vicious names by the world media.

    If Orthodox Jews can apply the laws of slander, lashon hara and sinas chinam to the scum of our people yet ignore those laws when the slander, lashon hara and sinas chinam are directed against Jews who are frummer than they are, I can understand why the bleeding-heart liberals take on the cause of the wife-beating, homo-killing Palestinians against “violent” Israel.

    What one chareidi says about another, Orthodox Jews say about all chareidim.

    What one Orthodox Jew says about another, secular Jews say about all Orthodox Jews.

    What one Jew says about another, the world says about all Jews.

    מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו.

  9. I’ll believe the report when I see it.

    I also still don’t believe that rioting and burning garbage is the right way to approach this. So no matter what, I think the chareidim who protested violently were wrong. Regardless of the guilt or innocence of the mother in all this.

  10. “What halachic right do these “askanim” have to read anyone’s private and confidential medical records and then release that information to the public!”


    The Hospital and the Police have already smeared her good name by releasing their “Medical Report” stating that she is an unstable murderer of her own child.

    The only way to fight these Low-Life Swine is to quickly respond with all the information available to clear this wonderful mom’s name, before the propaganda becomes a “well-known fact.”

    Forget about “Medical Ethics.” You’re dealing with criminal gangsters here!

  11. Proud of kaj wh tide; what do you mean “so why was the child in such a bad state”? Because the child was ill and was given the wrong treatment!

    And ARTCHILL, all this time until the recent positive diagnosis of the mother, everyone was talking negatively about how this mother had a mental illness, and now we see how this has been proven wrong, so why are you STILL jumping to MORE conclusions about this stupid video that the mother abused hes child? Who said this video is authentic? Have you seen it? Who said the mother wasnt replacing the tube and the video was cut from then not allowing us to see her actually replacing it? I dont know and noone knows so why take fragranted that she abused hes child and say that now its going to be even harder for her “because hes actions on video show CRIMINAL content” why do people not learn their lessons not to make assumptions regarding things they have no clue about!? It has been proven wrong about her having a mental illness, and it can just as easily be proven wrong that she mistreated her child! And iyh it will! Who knows?

  12. to #10 (etc.)

    1. In the age of photoshop, videos aren’t quite what they used to be

    2. If it showed her disconnecting anything other than a feeding tube (unlikely she could even do that even if she wanted to, they aren’t simple and she wasn’t educated as a nurse), the hospital loses. If the hospitals was giving him drugs (that could have caused the symptons), given their claim that all his problems were the mother, the hospital loses. Hadassah needs the issue to be her sanity, not their medical care.

    3. Labor party may be on the verge of being forced to leave the coalition due to the land reform bill. Their #2 (Herzog) made a point of being outspoken in denouncing the Hareidim, so under the doctrine of “ministerial responsibility” he might be expected to resign if it turns out to be “blood libel” resulting in a narrow right (nationalist and religious) coalition. There is a lot at stake in all this.

  13. 1) “Assuming it can be shown that the boy was only suffering malnutrition and nothing else, and never was treated for cancer or any mystery illness, then why is he so thin?”

    Good, good question. You have evidence the child wasn’t treated for cancer?

    2) “And if he has gained weight since his mother was arrested and now fully recovers, then how do you explain the mother’s innocence?”

    As has been mentioned before, for those who were interested in keeping an open mind, the hospital had an NPO order on this child- no food by mouth, despite the mother’s pleading. In a stunning reversal, the doctor’s began feeding by mouth immediately following the mother’s arrest.

    3) “And if his mother was not starving him, then why was he brought to any hospital to begin with if there was never anything wrong with him in the first place?”

    The child was ill, and the mother does not consider herself a medical professional, with the ability to diagnose and treat. Like any normal mother, she brought her child to medical professionals. What these medical professionals did is the mystery question here.

    4)”What were the symptoms that caused him to be hospitalized altogether months ago?”

    When his medical records are released to the public, your curiosity will be satisfied. At the same time, you can release your own medical records as well- we’re eager to see them.

    5) “Does he have any illness that prevents him from gaining weight, or is it simple starvation?”

    Ditto above

    6) If he does have an illness, then what is the name of it?

    Ditto above. My are we curious! I guess you really feel this child’s personal medical records are for your reading pleasure. I’m sure you’d like to peruse the psychiatric eval as well. After all, after intimating repeatedly of this mothers “guilt”, you feel like perhaps you need some evidence retroactively, hmmm? Hopefully one day you’ll get a chance to personally ask her Mechila, as you have contributed to the smearing of an innocent mother, unable to control your impulsiveness to condemn and intimate guilt by virtue of reading newspapers.

    7) “And if the doctors misdiagnosed him and messed up, then what was their original diagnosis, and what was the corrected diagnosis? What is the proper treatment for each diagnosis and what did he actually receive?”

    And this is your business why? If you hear a story, you take out a Tehilim and daven for both. You don’t post your boich snarkiness and intellectually worded “doubts” on the internet, because to Hashem, you are not anonymous. You are accountable for every drop of suffering you added.

    8) And if he does have an illness, then is he now being treated for it, or just being fed properly?

    When you become this child’s doctor, these will be the appropriate questions.

    9) “If he is only being fed properly and doing well without any current treatment, then how did they cure this mystery illness?”

    By feeding by mouth, for one. The rest is for the court.

    10) “And if he never had a mystery illness all along and was a healthy child, then what in the world was he doing in a hospital the whole time if his mother was feeding him properly? Is it a hotel?”

    Good, good question. And in an open ward yet. Except he wasn’t a healthy child, and the mother had brought him in for medical care. And in an open ward yet. What happened afterward is for the courts.

    “Many many questions. This has only become more confusing. There is much more going on here than a matter of a simple psychiatric exam. That is only one piece of a big puzzle.”

    I know how much you are chalishing for the mother to be pronounced “guilty”. It is so hard on your ego to have any news contributing to her innocence. Why don’t you stop trying to play Dr. Watson, take out the crossward puzzles, stop enjoying this “mystery”, and use a Tehilim in your spare time.

  14. I agree with #17. And there are some answers known by those close to the family. The child has been ill almost since birth and it has become apparent recently that there was a serious misdiagnosis. Then the mother started carrying on too much………..The doctors figured they have to protect themselves. If it was so simply a mother improperly handling her sick child, ALL Chareidi Jerusalem wouldn’t be so upset.

  15. I agree with #17.
    Pashute Yid: If you know ANYTHING ANYTHING about medical issues that are more than “just a virus” you would know that as much as the best doctors know, there’s just as much, no, make that MUCH MORE that they don’t know.
    Feeding/weight issues alone is HUGE wide subject. I know many children who have been put NPO formula only via Tube and gained ZERO weight, EVEN LOST WEIGHT! on very high calorie special hypoallergenic formulas. and the top specialists/professsors are stumped!
    1 child I know in particular, was on a feeding tube for TWO years, running from one TOP doctor to the next TOP doctor both in Israel AND the USA, till someone (actually not a doctor!) discovered something so small that was the whole problem. As soon as the issue was rectified, the kid was able to eat normal food and filled out and got a healthy look (instead of the constant “sick” look).
    doctors are only shlichim, and they have to keep that in mind. Unfortunately, many of them tend to forget that “detail”.
    So please don’t proffess you know everything. you sound like you know less than a percent of a percent of a percent.

  16. Yechiel Spira, now you must delete the adjective, that of the sickness which they attributed to her, from her name, and there are many more of your brazen intimations which you should delete as well. As I learn the daily Chofets Chaim shiur, I am continuously reminded of your newscast and I am afraid that you are committing every aveira in the book, which puts you in the category of a “baal lashon Hora, for which there is no future.
    Some concrete ramifications of the damage you are doing are to be found in this “comments” section, which seems to be a breeding ground for anyone and everyone to spit forth their hatred for whatever group or individual are “up for grabs”– excluding a few objective and intelligent writers such as akuperma and #11, etc.
    I would suggest that you find a Rav to guide you in the wording of your newsclips, or remove the word Yeshiva from the title, a concept giving you a kosher label, implying that your words are holy and can be believed. This type of reporting is not to be found in HaModia, Mishpacha, etc, who have Rabanim on top of them.
    What made you think that you have no obligation to be “dan lekaf zechus,” that you are exempt from refraining to speak negatively about Jews if you haven’t seen the act first-hand? Why do you accept info from chilonim while debasing the shomer Shabbos, the beinonim, the tsadikim?
    This is the epitome of “sinus chinum” for which we are mourning the “Bais HaMikdash and you are the one perpetuating it, reaching thousands of Jews, causing them to hear and accept. I don’t envy you, Yechiel Spira. Please stop this “chilul Hashem.”

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