Settlers Getting Ready to Oppose Expulsion

gush1.jpgIsrael Police’s Shai District is preparing for expected violence surrounding resistance against the removal of 23 outposts throughout Yehuda and Shomron, the daily Haaretz reports. The unit is being headed by Border Police Commander of Forces in Yehuda and Shomron, Brig. Gen. Amitai Levy.

The report goes on to report that police forces, including elite Yassam commandos are training, and exercises were observed by senior IDF commanders, including Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni, despite the IDF’s request to minimize the military’s involvement and use police troops in another expulsion operation.

Bayit HaYehudi Minister Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz reports that he spoke with a “very senior security authority official” who assures him there is no such plan in the works.

Women in Green leader Nadia Matar however is not as trusting, and she feels “we must prepare for the worst”, explaining “we know Defense Minister Ehud Barak recently met with US Mideast envoy George Mitchell and Barak announced he is committed to complying with American demands to remove outposts established after March 2001.

Matar added that people must realize the removal of 23 outposts will be the “first domino to the destruction of the settlement movement and the establishment of a Palestinian state that will threaten the future existence of Tel Aviv and Netanya”. She stresses that any concessions, even “on one grain of land are tantamount to giving in on all the land”.

Matar believes most Israelis remain opposed to the establishment of a Palestinian state and as such, people must “break the routine,” stop going to work and begin becoming active in taking steps to prevent such a reality chas v’sholom.

“To train our soldiers to act against us instead of the Arab enemy is troublesome and we must prepare accordingly. We must call on soldiers to refuse to comply to such orders,” Matar concluded.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. preparing for expected violence…

    YW, will you condem those violence or the torah changes when it comes to the settlers???

    (you are entitled not to post my comments, but not to edit them and expose private info)

  2. The Gush Katif and Amona expulsions should have taught us that unless and until Jews are ready to pick up arms against these Hellenists, NO form of protest will work. They have their black-shirted stormtroopers, their horse-riding troops with batons, their tear-gas, and their bulldozers AND most of all, -their absolute hatred of “settlers”. No protest signs or sit-ins or crying or singing mean anything to these chayas. Other than picking up arms, our only weapons are t’shuva and t’filla.

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