Marking Three Years Since the Fall of a National Hero

Today, Rosh Chodesh Av marks three years since Major Ro’i Klein fell in the line of duty during the Second Lebanon War. Today, Klein would be fighting to save his home, not against the enemy, but the government which plans to evict his wife Sara and their two children from the HaYovel neighborhood of Yishuv Eli. This modest community is referred to as an “illegal outpost” despite the fact it was established with the assistance of national government agencies. It is slated for destruction along with 22 other communities as Defense Minister Ehud Barak seeks to comply with mounting American demands to remove “outposts” constructed after March 2001, in compliance with the Roadmap plan.

Klein was 31 when he fell on a hand grenade shouting shema, saving the lives of his troops. While he became a national hero, his name has appeared in the news of late as his family faces expulsion by the right-wing government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Attorney Talya Sasson, who four years ago prepared the report for then PM Ariel Sharon on illegal outposts stated there is no connection to outposts, a public matter, to Klein, rejecting and attempt to tie the two together. She stated Klein was indeed a hero, but this has no bearing on the illegal outposts which she too feels must be removed.

Minister of National Infrastructure Dr. Uzi Landau however feels that Klein’s family and regular people who do not even serve in the army have rights and the state prosecutor and attorney general should be defending them rather than lending a hand to evicting them from their homes.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Roi Klein was the ultimate Tzadik and national hero. Even as a soldier and an officer he was a serious learner, and was kovay’a eetim every day. His superior officer said that he would even analyze military problems as if they where a sugya in Gemara. To be TRULY mosair nefesh for one’s chevra (making the decision to do so in the blink of an eye) while screaming Shema Yisrael, puts him on a madrega of the likes of the Asara harugai malchut who also died being mekadesh Shaim Shamayim. Yehi zichro baruch! Any government or government official that would allow the destruction of the home of his almana and yetomim is being koneh himself (or herself, or themselves) a spot in Gehenom equal to that of the worst enemies of the Jewish people and should expect an eternity of swimming in a boiling cesspool with the likes of arafat, haman, and hitler – yemach shemam!

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