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Yahadut HaTorah Demanding a State Investigation into ‘Munchausen Mom’ Case

porush3.jpgReleasing a statement to the press following a Yahadut HaTorah faction meeting, Deputy Education Minister Rav Meir Porush stated the party is demanding a state investigation into the so-called Munchausen Syndrome mother, an investigation which must address the actions of all agencies involved, the hospital, social service, the court and police. Porush decried the “brutal arrest of the mother of four” the daily HaMevaser reports.

“We must check exactly where the mayor finds the authority to punish an entire neighborhood in the city. When they burn a garbage bin in front of 85 Meah Shearim Street why does an elderly resident of 5 Meah Shearim Street have to suffer, because of the city? In cases of collective punishment in other countries, or other sectors, we express outrage”.

Porush stressed he is not out to get Mayor Nir Barkat, or his predecessor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky, but reports when Lupoliansky was compelled to halt service to an area, fearing for the safety of city workers, he did so quietly, not by happily releasing a media statement that does not result in joy, but nevertheless at times a reality.

Porush took the opportunity to add that there are those who feel the recent events depict the classic chareidi personality, but he said this is not the case at all, decrying the vandalism and violence, adding all Gedolei Yisrael and rabbonim are in agreement, condemning such acts.

Generally speaking he adds, relations between the chareidi leaders and populace with Jerusalem police are fine, pointing out over the years commanders worked at maintaining the working relationship.

Porush explained that in this case however, he seeks answers, documenting his call to a senior Jerusalem police commander following the arrest, questioning if the same objective, perhaps deterrence or preventing interference in the investigation cannot be achieved by distancing the mother from her home or the city, rather than keeping a mother of four under lock and key. He attested to the fact that he warned the senior official that the actions of police may indeed lead to unrests, asking “where is the wisdom and logic” in the case.

In subsequent appeals to the same senior official Porush stressed that “smells the volatile atmosphere” that exists, pleading to release the mother from jail, without success.

He also spoke of the community’s strong disapproval of the actions of social services, calling the mother to bring her into police hands, as well as pointing an accusing finger at Hadassah Ein Kerem’s treatment and actions in the case.

The deputy minister thanked Public Security Minister Aharonovitch who played a role in the woman’s release from jail on erev shabbos, but stressed a state investigation must be launched.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

16 Responses

  1. A very brave political move. The equivalent of saying “double or nothing” when gambling. The secular press, often reflecting official statements, have made horrendous charges against the mother, and now would have to “put up or shut up”.

  2. And why doesn’t he think of thanking MK Yakov Litzman of Ger for personally putting up the bail money?

    The question “When they burn a garbage bin in front of 85 Meah Shearim Street why does an elderly resident of 5 Meah Shearim Street have to suffer” is a very apt one. I look at it differently from Mayer Porush though. I blame the rioters for making the asthmatic resident of 5 Meah Shearim Street go into asthmatic distress leading to hospitalization because of the toxic fumes let off by the buring garbage at #85.

    Having been caught in Bar Ilan Street one night of the rioting and unable to drive forward to my home, and seeing the behaviour of the cream of our youth, I agree that a state investigation must be launched. I want to know why the Yassam anti riot police were not out in force to stop the wanton destruction of public property and the throwing of rocks from balconies onto the public highway.

  3. Oh! A 180 degree U-turn,
    Look how YWN has changed,
    From A “Munchausen Mom” to a “So Called Munchausen Mom”
    And see the Negative language they used last week,
    Next time don’t be so pleased to post לשון הרע. מוציא שם רע וכו’

  4. Why doesn’t Mr. Porush ask the members of his community not to burn garbage bins? The elderly resident is suffering because of the burning garbage bin. Stop burning things.

  5. I agree with #5 – Mr. Porush mentioned how all the Gedolim have condemned the rioting – but it seems he spends much more time – as has everyone – condeming the State. If the Gedolim and Mr. Porush were a bit more serious and made a bigger deal, took stronger leadership regarding the rioting and destruction, perhaps the secular media and world view would not look at the rioters as representative of their community.

  6. To akuperma: Whats the double or nothing here – if Porush doesn’t like the results of the investigation he’ll just cry racism and discount the whole thing.

    True bravery would be when all the Gedolei Yisrael and rabbonim who Porush claims condemn the violence would sign an unequivical document, in Hebrew, condemning the violence in no uncertain terms. Until I see that paper, I have to assume that the Gedolei Yisrael and rabbonim do NOT condemn the actions of the rioters.

  7. #9 – and what if the violence was justified and it turns out the only way to prevent the hilonim from stealing and abusing frum children is violence????

    Most politicians look for “risk free” ways out. Porush is taking a big risk, since if the investigation clears the hospital he’ll look worse than silly.

  8. Good idea to investigate the hospital. This story smells, and hopefully, the investigation won’t contribute to the cover-up seemingly going on there.

  9. “but reports when Lupoliansky was compelled to halt service to an area, fearing for the safety of city workers, he did so quietly, not by happily releasing a media statement that does not result in joy, but nevertheless at times a reality”.

    Birkat and Lupoliansky did the same thing, closing city offices when fearing for the safety of its workiers, yet one did it HAPPILY and one did it SADLY. Cmon now..that is ridiculous!!

  10. appears/

    Menachem, you know her personally, and have seen that she “appears” to suffer from mbp? There is no end to the lies…

  11. What is the difference between those in MEah Shearim who sit in kollel supposedly learning, who would riot and burn and stone and damage to “defend” a woman who is either sick or a criminal, and those in Pakistan who sit in Medrassas supposedly learning who would riot and burn and stone and damage to “defend” their honour against cartoons? In each case, those whose learning is really leshem shomayim on the one hand, or really “peaceful” discourse on the koran on the other, would have absolutely nothing to do with the hefkeirus and wanton sinah these demonstrations show.

    Raboisai!! Those of you who defend the indefensible won’t have to answer to me or anyone else in the YW forum, you will have to answer to the one who judged the dor of the second churban!

    You are filled with self important self righteousness and delusion if you truly think that doctors in Hadassah have the corruption of Eida children on their agenda. They have jobs. They have families to feed. They have other patients, so many, who need their attention. Newsflash! The vast majority of doctors are not ideologues, and the anti-statism of a group who contributes little to Israeli society would be much more likely to influence their avoidance of such groups than to influence them to steal kids or “set up” mothers. People! The rest of society has more important things to do than to waste their time on conspiring against the Eida Chareids dafka l’hachis. The eida is simply of marginal importance to most Israelis. Raboisai, get over yourselves! Learn! Work! Teach your kinderlach! Enough with the grievance theatre and the violence!

  12. #17 Whenever Charedi Jews are involved it’s alleged to be idealism. But this is the story of a child who’s been misdiagnosed for a long time and the doctor’s have been trying to protect themselves by accusing the mother of mistreatment.
    I have been told there were negotiations under way to release the mother before the rioting began

  13. BS”D

    It is time for someone in our leadership to call for an investigation into just who is behind this rioting. While the Ku Klutz Kartel and other self appointed kanoim are doing the work along with shababnikim who are just looking for some action and don’t even believe in whatever they are protesting, such an investigation just might reveal a network of police agents who egg on the often mentally disturbed fanatics. This network may include plenty of newly minted “baalei tshuva” who traded six or twelve months off their well deserved jail terms for growing beards, wearing charedi dress and causing trouble in the community.

    Remember Avishai Raviv? I sure won’t forget.

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