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Meeting Held to Reach a Compromise Between Eida & Hadassah

gavad.jpgA meeting was held on Sunday night between Eida Chareidis GAVAAD Rav Tuvia Weiss Shlita and Hadassah Hospital officials Prof. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, the director-general and his assistance, Dr. Yair Birnbaum, who has been targeted by threats as a result of the hospital’s involvement in the Munchausen mother case. The meeting was held in the hope of reaching a compromise towards ending the mounting tensions between the Eida and the hospital.

Hadassah officials declined to verify or deny the meeting, but took the opportunity to decry threats against Dr. Birnbaum or any other member of the Hadassah community, stating those behind such unacceptable actions are undoubtedly fringe extremist elements, calling on rabbonim of the Eida to condemn the acts.

The statement adds that Hadassah throughout the year maintains a dialogue with the Eida as part of efforts to serve the entire community, and such acts are detrimental to all. Hadassah also calls on all involved parties to place the child and his condition outside of the controversy.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. What is there to meet over? Hadassah, provides a service. The Eidah’s constituents spongs off that service at no cost. They can take it or leave it.

  2. cantoresq – Are you telling me that Hadassah doesnt get paid for their “service” to the Eidah? They get paid the same for them as for you and I. Do you also “spong” off of their service?

  3. If you are busy learning lishma, and I am supporting you, you are doing a service for me…. and Klal Yisroel.

    If you are interrupting the ability of other Kollel Yungerleit to go learn


    You are interrupting the ability of working people to earn money to support people who learn


    You are interrupting YOUR learning to prove that I am wrong…

    Who are YOU servicing?

  4. Sammygol and everyone else: Get this into your heads: The people who don’t recognize the state don’t take from the state! They pay for their own insurance. If you pay insurance and expect to get service from hte hospital is that a parasite?

  5. “The people who don’t recognize the state don’t take from the state!”


    Do they have their own garbage collection service?

    How about the electricity they use – do they make their own?

    And I expect that if there were ever another war, chv”s, they would benefit greatly from the army and defense forces they so steadfastly refuse to join.

    So don’t sit there, veyatziv, and tell me they “don’t take from the state.”

  6. #5 We have had 100 comments on this subject in the past, go check out the archives of YWN.

    It is an impossibility to live in the country and not benefit from water, electric, gas, sidewalks, transportation, gas for cars, visiting mekomos kedoshim (secured by soldiers), buying food, medical clinics and hospitals. Rav Bransdorfer z”tl was in the hospital being treated before he was niftar. SO WHAT, why shouldn’t all residents benefit from the state? Immigrants, Arabs, Tourists, everyone does!! Once again, SO WHAT….. (gratitude maybe/maybe not)

  7. veyatziv, you are correct, but trying to reason with Zionist ideologues is fruitless, and similar to trying to convince an anti-Semite how wrong he is.

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