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HaGaon HaRav Amar Shlita Calls for Pressure on US President Obama

amar1.jpgIn a letter signed by rabbonim and dayanim, headed by Sephardi Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Amar Shlita, a call is made to rabbonim around the world to pressure US President Barak Obama against his demands to halt construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

In an Ariel Conference headed by Haifa Chief Rabbi Shar Yashuv Cohen Shlita, held in Kfar Giladi, the rabbonim agreed on the text of the harsh letter, decrying the American president’s policy, calling on rabbis in The Diaspora along with persons of influence to pressure US President Barak Obama, demanding he halt White House pressure opposing construction in Yehuda and Shomron.

The architect of the letter and impetus behind the effort is Rabbi Sholom Gold, a prominent rav in Har Nof and a leader of the Igud HaRabbonim L’maan Eretz Yisrael. The letter states that the concept of dictating to Jews that it is prohibited to live in their land is unacceptable. It adds that it is absurd that the one place in the world where Jews may not live freely, where a Judenrein policy exists is in the State of Israel.

In compliance with Rav Amar’s request, the letter is not being publicized at this time to permit rabbonim in the United States to view it before the general public.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. White house comment line:
    Just tell the intern operating the phone line what state you’re calling from and a brief message.

  2. In the U.S. we vote.
    and we daaven.
    and we voice our opinions to leaders of state in a respectful fashion.
    It is much easier to impress American leaders to treat our civilized bretheren with respect…
    if our civilized bretheren are only caught on camera being civilized.

    Ayzehu Mechubad Hamechabed es Habrios!
    Hakol Kol Yaakov… V’hayadayim Yedei Eisav.

    May HaShem hear our prayers, and may our leaders have the wisdom to know what to say, and most importantly… How to say it.

    Divrei Chachamim B’nachas Nishma’im.

  3. I feel any letters/ protests should be thougth out very carefully and respectively but firmly and the Netanyahu pr dept should be consulted as to what they feel would be effective

    One suggestion I have is to presuure Jewsih democratic congresspeople to speak out in an organized fashion to President Obama. The president needs their votes in general-thus they would have more power to influence him

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