Controversy Over the Future of Bucharin Shul

What is being called a prayer vigil/protest is scheduled to be held in Yerushalayim’s Bucharin neighborhood on Monday night in the presence of a number of prominent rabbonim, headed by Rishon L’Tzion Rav Shlomo Amar Shlita, as well as Rav Tzion Boaron and Rav Elbaz.

The event will take place in the Ohel Shalom Shul, with organizers explaining the Vaad of the neighborhood has turned to the civil courts and has demanded they evacuate the shul immediately or alternatively, pay the Vaad for using it. They are demanding payment from longtime gabbai Matityahu Chanucha, who received the post from his father, who was gabbai for over 40 years before him.

One organizer, Yossi, explains the building belongs to the Shalom Jini Hekdish, adding he was niftar years ago, not leaving children, willing the building for a shul and a center of Torah study.

A statement from the Vaad was not obtainable in time for this report.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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