PM Netanyahu Says ‘No’ to US Demands to Halt Jerusalem Building

bibi111.jpgIn a strongly-worded rejection of the latest American demands to halt construction in Eretz Yisrael, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected America’s latest racist demand, to ban Jewish construction in Yerushalayim in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood referred to by the international community by its Arab name, Sheikh Jarrah.

Undoubtedly the response of the prime minister and his cabinet ministers will result in a new political row as the White House and the Department of State seem to feel their continued blatant involvement in domestic issues will be tolerated by the current administration. It would appear that President Barak Obama’s pro-PA (Palestinian Authority) policies will not be as easily accepted in Jerusalem as he expected, despite mounting White House pressure on Israel.

Addressing his cabinet at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting, the prime minister explained that all citizens may buy land and build in the capital. “What would the response be if it were announced that Jews cannot buy or live in areas of London, New York, Paris or Rome”, rejecting the racist request put forward by the United States. Mr. Netanyahu went on to explain that just as the international community would not accept an anti-Jewish policy in nations in Europe, Israel cannot accept such a demand from American regarding eastern Jerusalem.

He went on to state that just as Arabs may purchase land in the western capital, Jews are permitted the same right in the eastern capital.

Jerusalem City Hall released a statement echoing the prime minister’s policy, adding building permits are granted on the basis of merit, not based on racial considerations.
While the prime minister is backed up by his cabinet and coalition members, the left-wing lawmakers have a different view, including Chaim Oron of Meretz, who is calling on the prime minister to comply with America’s demands, or MK (Labor) Ofir Pines, a member of the coalition, who questions what Israel is doing in Sheikh Jarrah, feeling the area rightfully belongs to the Arabs.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. It’s about time we came out of the “closet” and have our own say about what goes on in our OWN land that Hashem gave US and dont act like the American Puppet, May Hashem give us stregnth to not feel pressured by the goyim, and b’ezras Hashem build a medinah ONLY around Torah and return to the days of glory, as it says “echad mikem yirdeh eleph” and may we soon see the binyan bis hamikdash

  2. Don’t worry about Obama.
    Look what a paper tiger he is vis a vis Korea, and how impotent re Iran.
    He’s terribly naive and blustering.
    So full of himself, that he doesn’t know what to do, when he needs to.
    At least Bibi is a bit like Bush.
    Has a “shitah” and stands by it.

  3. This is not the way to do it….. Rav Shach zt”l would not be happy…. more diplomatically, quietly, maybe not at all…..we are still in golus…

  4. This summer, when tornados tear across Texas and Oklahoma and brush fires burn down huge areas of California and Colorado, will Obama have the wisdom to realize that Hashem just might not approve of American settlements in Occupied Northern Mexico? Over the last decade, if one pays close enough attention, the attribute of mida k’neged mida has been noticably in play with respect to America. Obama can save many Americans lives by just leaving Israel alone.

  5. #10: With all due respect to R’Shach, silence is capitulation. Silence allowed the White House to not do everything possible to stop the mass genocide by the Nazis. Dignified protests are in order. And by the way, why isn’t Hussain bama speaking up about Darfur ?.. now there is genocide!)
    We are Americans. Some of us have even fought for this country. We have the right to express our opninions to our elected officials. We have a responsibility to show the RS”O how much we value the land he gave us. Speak up.

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