Israel: ‘Taliban Mom’ Convicted

bur.jpgIn another case that involves the chareidi community, the Jerusalem District Court on Sunday morning convicted a Bet Shemesh mother who has been dubbed the “Taliban mother” in the media due to her dress code which mimics woman in extremist Arab countries. The woman belongs to a sect living in Bet Shemesh in which the women’s dress code that of the Taliban women, hence the name given in the media.

Both the woman and her husband were suspected of abusing six of their 12 children with objects found around the home, including metallic cables, belts, and household appliances. They were accused of cutting girl’s hair as a punishment, tying the children and throwing cold water on them.

The father was convicted of assisting in abusing the children and failing to report the incidents to authorities. A 27-year-old child is under investigation of possibly abusing his sisters.

The court rejected the defense that the defendant suffered psychological trauma but was not assisted by social services.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Hareidi means part of the community led by gedolim. Based on the clothes, I’ld suspect they were a “do it yourself” religion that has nothing to do with Yiddishkeit. And exactly who is Yechiel Spira that he doesn’t seem to understand what Hareidi is?

  2. Horrific abuse happens in some Jewish homes in every community. It is the responsibility of neighbors and rabbonim to protect the innocent children. When abuse is seen or becomes known as a real suspicion, report it to the POLICE. It’s pashut a case of Lo Sa’amod Al Dam Reiecha.

    Please don’t fall for shidduch crisis statistics and other mishugasin to accept a spouse with abusive tendencies. It doesn’t change, it only gets worse. If there is a history of abuse in the close family stay far away.

  3. Hareidi is a term thrown around the last decade or so. The definition is quite elusive. Could it be ‘yeshivish’, ‘heimish’, ‘torah observant’, ‘litvish’, ‘followers of a particular shitah, rav or mesorah’, ‘machmirim’, ‘torasu oomanasu’…take your pick or add some others.

  4. To which “community” do these people belong?Who is their Rov?What is the name of their kehillo/shul?Where do they send their kids to school?What chinuch is provided in their homes?At best,all we see is that they’ve taken 1 aspect of yiddishkeit in tzinius and distorted it in a most unhealthy way,beyond recognition.Any abuse having taken place in such a home is by no means symptomatic of a larger problem in the community(which may or may not exsist).She’s sick & needs help.Also,the entire group is not considered to be normal or accepted by the normal torahdik tzibur.

  5. These people do not belong to any community. They don’t belong to anything – not even to Neturei Karta’s most extremist wing, not to Toldos Aharon, not to any other group.

  6. Why has it become “le mode” to criticise Yechiel Spira; who does an excellent job from over here in Eretz Yisroel (also Yechiel, thanks for the Kashrus updates!)

    I am also horrified about the extensive use of “hareidi” these days by the media – I wish that all types of “nutters” would be called – in inverted commas – “fringe, ultra-orthodox vigilantes”

    This woman was a “self-made” guru, with a following of naieve, impressionable baalei tshuvah following her. She obviously is insane but whether she is more insane than evil is a question only psychiatrists can determine.

  7. frum is an acrynom for ‘fill rishus, veinig mitzvos’ in yiddish. it means lots of cruelty and few mitzvos


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