Deputy Minister Porush: Burning Garbage Yields Results

porush1.jpgDeputy Education Minister Rav Meir Porush stated that handling of the controversial suspected child abuse case by police is an outrage, insisting Israel Police sorely mishandled the entire affair. Porush stated that even if she is suspected of having Munchausen syndrome or having abused her child, there was no reason or justification for imprisoning her, a move that resulted in the violent riots in areas of the city.

Releasing a statement on motzei shabbos, Porush added it is now clear to all that the violence, destroying traffic signals and burning of garbage yields get results. He lamented the decision of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to suspend municipal services to riot-stricken areas, insisting the move just escalated the already difficult situation.

Police also suspect the mother has neglected/abused her two other children, adding at present, the father is not permitting police to question the children.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. The results may not be exactly what Minister Porush expects.
    Anyone with an ax to grind will find the latest pictures offensive.
    Where were these protesters when the Medinah uprooted thousands from Gaza?

  2. Everyone knows that the protests led to the release,
    Everyone saw that Litzman was heavily involved, but Mr. Purim World knows the ‘real’ story.
    Mr. Silly Billy, no matter how many times you type “Porush” it wont change facts!!
    (Btw, this last paragraph will get you a free seat in hell right next to Adolf Hitler!)

  3. So “rioting is against the very nature of civilization.” you might be right, but unfortunately, years of history have proven that calm and civilized methods of negotiating, as is successful with most other goverments around the world, have proven drastically unsuccessful with the israeli government and therefore the chareidim have had to come on to using other “uncivilized” methods to get what they are requesting. It is sad but the israeli government have to be spoken to in the language they understand and unfortunately that is violence. And i therefore agree with Porush when he said that this is what “gets results” because at the end of the day, that is the sad fact. So for the people around the world who are baffled with the behavior of the chareidim , think for a minute and relize the other side of the story, that we are not dealing with the usual type of civilized government you are all used to, its a different ball game and its the one and only option to deal with it.

  4. #8 Read, research and become enlightened by the Shabbos demonstrations in Petach Tikva and Tel Aviv by Rav Solomon zt”l and Rav Lau. Better results without gezel, chilul hashem, police violence and injuries.

    Soon it will be known that TEL AVIV is the city of Torah,, with shuls, kollelim, talmud torahs, torani schools, kiruv centers, daf yomis in almost every shul, adult ed class, the biggest Megillah reading for Purim ever WITHOUT screaming, yelling, destruction, rock throwing and hostilities on both sides of the fence.

  5. To #2;
    Mr. Purim World…
    Mr. Silly Billy, …
    no matter how many times you type “Porush” it wont change facts!!
    (Btw, this last paragraph will get you a free seat in hell right next to Adolf Hitler!)
    Adolf Hitler et al murdered most of my parent’s families.
    Did Porush murder yours?
    PS I have no idea what you mean btw.

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