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Mayor Barkat Left Out in the Cold

nb3.jpgIn an interview with Israel Channel 2, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat expresses his disappointment over the fact that during last week’s violent protests and riots by the chareidi community, not one government minister telephoned him or released a statement of support for Jerusalem City Hall.

The mayor added that in addition to the rabbis, cabinet ministers and public officials are expected to make themselves heard, releasing condemnatory statements over the violence seen in the capital.

The mayor used the interview to stress that his decision to cut city services to the riot-stricken areas was not intended as collective punishment, but as move to protect city workers by distancing themselves from the mayhem. He added police did not treat the rioting chareidim any different than police address similar violence in the eastern capital.

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin decided to convene a special session to discuss the violence and the escalating conflict between the chareidi community and police.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Mr. Mayor:

    As you are obviously lacking in the leadership qualities needed to resolve this crisis — which you initiated with an ill-considered decision — please schedule a new mayoral election and retire. Thank you.

  2. He was actually on there saying that we need to listen to the chareidim and see if there is anything to what they are saying. I was a bit impressed but then again it’s politics as usual…..

  3. Mr Mayor
    please note: the rioting immediately ceased once the mother was taken out of prison and her handcuffs removed – on friday.

    why has no-one from the municipality come to turn back on the traffic lights on Kikar Shabos.
    Are you waiting for an accident to happen there ChasV Shalom? Couldn’t you send one of your nice police men to supervise the traffic flow in the mean time?

    Or is this the collective punishment that you yourself originally declared would befall all those communities where rioting took place?

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