Toldos Aaron Rented a Garbage Truck

gt1.jpgMeah Shearim decided not to sit back and endure the ramifications of Jerusalem City Hall’s collective punishment. Toldos Aaron on erev shabbos rented a private garbage truck in an effort to clean up the Meah Shearim area before shabbos, a move that was prompted by Mayor Nir Barkat announcing he is halting all city services until the violent protests surrounding the so-called Munchausen mom come to an end and city workers are no longer placed in danger.

The decision to rent the truck was made on erev shabbos after the mother was released to house arrest in the hope of cleaning up the area before shabbos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Israel is truly become a Zoo for adults, perhaps the time has come for Meah Shearim to hire its own Police Department!

  2. I was there

    It was not as bad as the media portrays.

    I was amazed at the clean-up

    By 11:00 a.m. everything was clean and ready for Shabbos.

    Yeshar Koach to all that were involved in making sure it would be done before Shabbos.

  3. #3 – you should have seen the beginning of Rechov Meah Shearim on shabbos afternoon at 17;30 (5:30 PM), the area of Rechov Joel. It looked like a hurricane had passed there.

  4. A big yasher koach & applause for doing the right thing and cleaning up l’kovod Shabbos, so that hopefully things can go back to normal!!

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