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Sunday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terror operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron on motzei shabbos arrested one suspect in Kalkilye.

**Deputy Health Minister Litzman on Sunday morning visited the Boyaner Rebbe in his Makor Baruch home.

**A bill authored by Justice Minister Prof. Yaakov Ne’eman addressing the needs of people who classify themselves ‘without a religion to register’ as couples will be discussed by the Ministerial Law Committee.

**Ministerial Justice Committee on Sunday is expected to approve a cabinet decision to deprive Hamas terrorists’ visitations towards pressuring Hamas to release Gilad Shalit.

**The family of IDF soldier Ehud Goldwasser HY”D held a memorial for him on erev shabbos marking his first yahrzeit since his burial following the return of his remains together with soldier Eldad Regev HY”D.

**178 PA residents found illegally inside Green Line Israel were rounded up by border police over the weekend. Seven Israelis employing the illegals were also taken into custody.

**For the second time in two months, a scheduled meeting between PM Netanyahu and Mideast envoy Mitchell has been postponed, this time, until month’s end.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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