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Relatively Calm Shabbos Protests in Yerushalayim

ywnisrael.jpgThe Eida Chareidis held its now regular Shabbos afternoon protest to express its objections over the city’s operating the Karta parking lot to accommodate drivers visiting Yerushalayim on shabbos. The protest was held without incident, and there was a noticeable decline in the number of participants. A small number of demonstrators tried to block the entrance to the parking lot at one point but the incident did not escalate.

There was some violence on Bar Ilan Street, with delinquent youths throwing rocks at cars on Friday night and during the day on shabbos. At least four people were injured, with two sustaining head injuries.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. the enemy in this situation is the corrupt secular government which is trying to banish yiddishkeit from eretz yisroel as well as take away from its keddusha

  2. Nobody went.

    I was there, at 5:30 in front of Yeshivas Meah Shearim. About 100 people showed up, but the rabbonim decided everyone should go home. I didn’t exactly hear why, since I was just then helping an elderly yid getting to shul and getting him a siddur (in Yeshuas Yaakov). But in any case, the group fell apart and everyone went his way.

    Altogether three Yerushalmim got to the parking lot, no more, and they were there apart from each other.

    For the rest, there were about 200 spectators (part dati leumi, part chareidi and just interested, and part shababnikim). There was no serious demonstration; nobody showed up…

    Someone else there (in Meah Shearim) told me that the rabbonim had told everyone to go home because of the fact that numerous bochurim had showed up (against the rules) and that the shababnikim were already starting to make trouble elsewhere.

  3. I was in mea shorim and bar ilan this week. I don’t think there were more than 200 people at the “protest”, and most of them were kids. At bar ilan, its was also young children who barely looked frum just having a good time. Anyone I spoke to said the violence is wrong.

  4. Thus endeth the show of great chareidi stength. They destroyed their neighborhods, caused a huge chilul Hashem, and the parking lot remains open. Good job everyone.

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