Alleged ‘Munchausen Mom’ Remanded to House Arrest

courthammer2.jpg14:25PM IL: The mother of the child being treated for malnutrition in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, Yenta bas Yocheved, has been released from incarceration, remanded to house arrest. The court rejected a state demand that she remain in jail and only be released to house arrest after indicted. This was accomplished in part due to the intervention of Deputy Education Minister Rav Meir Porush.

The state told the court that the woman will be indicted in the coming days despite claims by the chareidi community accusing state social worker authorities of conducting a blood libel against the chareidi community.

Unfortunately, the actions of the tzibur, the indiscriminate vandalism and disruption of life, accompanied by calls of “Nazis” against police and city workers, attacks with rocks and other objects, destruction and damage to vehicles and buses, the destruction of state social worker offices, traffic signals, garbage dumpsters and much more has done little to gain sympathy for the mom’s case, who may or may not be ill as hospital officials at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital believe, but due to her continued refusal to submit to a psychiatric evaluation, a diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome or certification that Yenta bas Yocheved is a fit and devoted mother as her community insists is somewhat difficult to come by.

In the meantime, the chareidi community seems to be opting to use violence as a means of expressing disapproval and seeking to steamroll its agenda along, a move that many find difficult, especially during the Three Weeks.

The events of past days have shifted the Israeli media spotlight on the case of this mother and the chareidi community, and undoubtedly the Shabbos afternoon protest against the opening of the Karta parking lot, scheduled for 5:30pm, will do its part to keep that focus centered on Meah Shearim and the surrounding area. Rabbonim Shlita of the Eida Chareidis are expected to take part in the shabbos afternoon protest.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

18 Responses

  1. Hmmm…. The acts of protests probably had nothing to do with the woman’s release!

    I am sick and tired of the biased approach of the ywn towards the ultr-orthodox community. And if you want to know what to work on in the 3 weeks, it’s to change your attitude toward the chareidim and to stop believing the atheists over the religious Jews.

  2. Is yechiel spira chareidi? Or mizrachi? Or maybe arab?
    I guess he hopes to move on from the yeshiva world news to work for cnn or bbc one day. He’s on the right path. May hashem grant him hatzlocho in all his endevours

  3. Please don’t use the words “the charedi community seems to be opting for violence” in describing the very few hotheads who choose to use “yadayim yedei Eisav” when voicing opposition. That is not the way of Torah yidden.

  4. If she won’t undergo a psych evaluation there are 2 possible reasons.
    1. She KNOWS she will never pass because she’s not ill, she’s evil, & she belongs in jail.
    2. She is too mentally ill to consent & therefore she belongs in a psychiatric hospital.

    Either way, she needs to be away from her children. This is one dangerous woman.

  5. Hey the mizrachi wrote a article in yediot achronet yesterday saying that in Israel the only option is force against the goverment
    and if they would have done what the frumer did in mea shearim we would still have Gush katif

  6. It would be very easy to arrange for an independent medical examination of both the mother and child by physicians not associated with the Israeli government. If the government is unwilling to do this, it strongly suggests it is covering up something.

    Many of the “facts” don’t add up. The fact that the government claims the woman is mentally ill, and then arrests her, is inherently contradictory. The fact they emphasize (in the hiloni press) that she is a member of Neturei Karta (query: housewives join Hareidi political grouops), suggests a strong political agenda by the Israeli government (do they announce that someone is a member of the Labor or Likud when arresting them). They also haven’t discussed possible language issues (is Hebrew the woman’s first language? do the Hadassah staff speak fluent Yiddish? were consent to treatment forms executed in a language she can comfortable read?

  7. you write In the meantime, the chareidi community seems to be opting to use violence as a means of expressing disapproval and seeking to steamroll its agenda along, a move that many find difficult, especially during the Three Weeks.

    here is a piece From a prominent Israeli paper

    The decision came after Magistrates Court Presidnet Shlomit Dotan decided to try and negotiate between the woman’s counselors and those representing the Prosecutor’s Office and social services, in order to facilitate the woman’s release to house arrest “in the wake of violent riots perpetrated by the ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem”

  8. bubbele #5
    i cant make sense of “1. …bec.she’s not ill”!?!?
    piease expain.
    heres pssibility #3
    she doesnt trust their evaluatoin will be objective.
    this is a very very real possibility in the minds of many -totaly mentaly healthy- people of her chassidus.

  9. “In the meantime, the chareidi community seems to be opting to use violence as a means of expressing disapproval and seeking to steamroll its agenda along”

    When you say the chareidi community – do you mean ALL of the chareidim? the mainstream chareidim? Litvishe? Chassidishe? Or is it just the Eidah? Last night I read that the RY of the Mir – a chareidi yeshiva – said NOT to get involved with the protests.

    Please clarify.

  10. Its about time we all realize who the eidah is they never do anything possitive for klal yisroel we just continue to support their hechser and they ruin our name make a chilul hashem in the nmedia and ruin our kiruv work! Open your eyes ans see who these so called kanoaim realy are! The ones who disconnected from them years ago are doing so much KIDuSh hashem.

  11. YWN,
    Please be more selective in the stories and accompanying posts – unfortunately it has degenerated in ugliness of the worst sort. Remember ‘oy lanu m’yom hadin, oy lanu m’yom hatochacha’. While its newsworthy and gets you a lot of hits and is exciting in the moment – remember ‘yaish din v’yaish dayan’.
    It pains me deeply to the core to read all the venom being spewed self righteously against acheinu Bnei Yisroel – even if theyre wrong in their actions.

  12. bestbubby (#5) – you are missing a criticial (and glaringly obvious 3rd option)

    3. Consider this: perhaps she is totally sane, BUT is afraid that the psych test will be twisted and warped. These tests are subject to a wide range of (mis)interpretation!

    Consider this: when a murder defendant claims an insanity defence, both the prosecuter as well as the defence hire Doctors to evaluate the defendant. Invariably, the Dr for the prosecutor issues his findings one way, while the Dr for the defendant comes to a totally opposite conclusion!

    Now put yourself in this woman’s shoes for a moment. Just for argument’s sake (bec I do not know any facts any more than you do) let’s assume she is innocent, and has been subject to a veritable hell from police, and social services and doctors etc etc. Why would she take the risk of having a hospital or government hired Dr do an evaluation – they are the very ones who are lynching her!

    Again, this is just for argument’s sake. She could very well be sick; I am just saying there can be a very good reason why she refuses the test, and her refusal should not be misconstrued into a back-door admission of guilt.

  13. “This was accomplished in part due to the intervention of Deputy Education Minister Rav Meir Porush”…
    Watta shot & watta lie!!!
    While trying to paint as if the protest wasn’t the cause to the release of the Mom. YW tries to shoot 2 at once and mix the ger-aguda politic in this subject too.
    Yakov litsmans name is clearly noted all over as he was seriously invovled in the parsha, now Yeshiva world tries to place purish name instead!!

  14. Now a queston, Y when the isrealis were evecuating the settelments and much greater violonce happened there was no condeming? where was the chilul hashem then?

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