26 Arrests in Chareidi Rioting in Jerusalem & Bet Shemesh

arrest6.jpgJerusalem Police Chief Ilan Franco is determined to restore order to the capital and he has brought in reinforcements towards achieving his goal. The violence spread to a number of chareidi areas of the capital on Wednesday, including Geula, Meah Shearim, Shivtei Yisrael and Bar Ilan. Vehicles were damaged as well as buses, and rocks were thrown at passing motorists without discrimination. Garbage dumpsters were set ablaze and damage was significant. Police were called “Nazis” and other derogatory terms. In Bet Shemesh, rioters pelted motorists with rocks during their protests.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat announced he will not place municipal workers in danger, cutting off all services to Geula and Meah Shearim. His decision was met with anger and disapproval among chareidi officials, who insist the collective punishment which impacts some 80,000 residents due to the actions of less than 100 hoodlums is unjustifiable and should be reversed.

Franco told the media he is determined to restore order. Rabbonim in some cases have made some modest public attempts to halt the violence, but without success.

In the meantime, police continue their investigation while the mother remains in jail, with her remand extended until Friday. On Friday, another hearing will be held to determine if the mother will be released with restrictions or remain in jail.

The pregnant woman is the mother of three. Police are interviewing doctors and other professionals connected to the case, while a senior Hadassah Hospital official released a statement denying chareidi allegations that the hospital is working with police to “frame the mother” who the community insists is a model mother, rejecting allegations that she may have starved her toddler son, who was admitted to Hadassah in very serious condition. Baruch Hashem, the child’s condition is improving.

Police on Thursday will be deployed in chareidi areas and Franco hopes to prevent things from getting out of hand. The Eida Chareidis is calling for continued protests.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. The shababnikim should be thrown in jail so that peaceful protests can continue.

    Why doesn’t anyone stop them?

  2. When riots happen in the US it is usually stupid, when it is happening in Israel it is even worse. How can people who are supposed to be religious act in such a nonsensical manner.

  3. While some within the frum community say that the “chareidim” ar e right and others say the reporting of “riots” are grossly exaggerated, it seems that there is what to be ashamed of as the daily Hamodia this week has not been reporting anything about the latest happenings or of the ones relating to the parking lot.

  4. I am very surprised that YeshivaWorld is not bringing us any information from the family’s perspective, and not providing us with a more complete picture. Even other news agencies have brought the view of some of the protesters on why they are protesting.

  5. The Eida Chareidis is calling for continued protests? What exactly do they wish to protest? A child was in serious condition due to…abuse? neglect? mental illness? Until that is determined, an investigation is quite in order!

  6. I don’t understand! I simply don’t understand!
    Why is the Eida, who has the power to control the crowds, encouraging the protests when they know that only Chillul HaShem comes out of it because, lyder, lyder, some young ones in our community do not behave the way they should at these events! Another case in point, the Shabbos demonstrations! What will be accomplished this way? Mayor Barkat, albeit nisht a Eida’nikka, is not a Rosha, he’s a descent fellow, sit down and talk! Dialogue! Meanwhile there is real hezek to private peoples’ property – 100% OSUR MIN HATORAH – media portrayal portrays us as the do the Iranins at their demonstrations! (“Vee S’krisslet zich, yeedl’t zich! R”L)We may win the battle, but the war??? Rachmono Litzlon! Are we bringing anybody closer to HaShem and His heilige Torah with this behavior?
    Shchita B’golussa! Ribbono Shel Oilam, help us!

  7. the rioters are reshoim, period.

    throwing a stone at someone driving is sakonos nefoshos. if cholila somethign would happen a goel hadam would be allowed to kill the person who threw the stone and an ir miklat would let them stay in.

    agav what do motorists in Bet Shmesh have to do do with this mother, even if she is being ‘framed’?


  8. I feel that it is of utmost importance to protest the posts of “sammygol”, who it is difficult to believe is still a currently practicing shomer shabbos. The comments s/he makes is aside from false, utterly disgusting.

    Its truly unbelieveable how some will side with those against our mesorah above their own brothers.

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